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5 catalogs found
(density 7)
  Gaia Focused Product Release (Gaia FPR) (Gaia Collaboration, 2023)
    I/361/cfs(c)Sources based on Service Interface Function (SIF) images of very dense regions of Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) (crowded_field_source) (original column names in green) (526587 rows)
    I/361/vlpv(c)Long Period Variable stars (vari_long_period_variable) (original column names in green)[timeSerie] (9614 rows)
    I/361/verv(c)Epoch radial velocity data points for a subset of variable stars (vari_epoch_radial_velocity) (original column names in green) (231767 rows)
    I/361/vrvstat(c)Statistical parameters of radial velocity time series using only transits retained and not rejected (vari_rad_vel_statistics) (original column names in green) (9614 rows)
    I/361/ssoobs(c)Solar System object observations (sso_observation) (original column names in green) (46264083 rows)
    I/361/ssosourData related to Solar System objects observed by Gaia (sso_source) (original column names in green) (156823 rows)
    I/361/ismparam(c)Diffuse Interstellar Band (DIB) parameters from DIB-Spec, derived from spectra binned in galactic latitude, longitude and distance (interstellar_medium_params) (original column names in green)[spectrum] (235428 rows)
    I/361/ismspect(c)Stacked interstellar medium spectra (interstellar_medium_spectra) (original column names in green) (62859276 rows)
    I/361/lenscand(c)Sources identified as possible gravitational lens candidates (lens_candidates) (original column names in green) (4760920 rows)
    I/361/lenscatn(c)Lens catalogue names (lens_catalogue_name) (original column names in green) (3760480 rows)
    I/361/lensobs(c)Observations associated with the components found in the lens candidates table (lens_observation) (original column names in green) (171545519 rows)
    I/361/lensout(c)Individual observations that have been discarded from the analysis of the gravitational lenses tabulated in the lens candidate table (lens_outlier) (original column names in green) (11822543 rows)
(density 7)
  HST/WFC3 obs. of Cepheids in SN Ia host gal. (Riess+, 2016)
    J/ApJ/826/56/table1(c)Cepheid hosts observed with HST/WFC3 (20 rows)
    J/ApJ/826/56/table4(c)HST WFC3-IR Cepheids (1486 rows)
    J/ApJ/826/56/table8Fits for H0 (210 rows)
(density 7)
  HST opt-NIR obs. of Cepheids in NGC5584 (Javanmardi+, 2021)
    J/ApJ/911/12/table2(c)Our measurements for the photometric properties of the Cepheids in NGC 5584 (199 rows)
(density 7)
  Variable stars of Draco dSph (Kinemuchi+, 2008)
    J/AJ/136/1921/table5(c)Properties of Draco RRLyr stars (270 rows)
    J/AJ/136/1921/table7Fourier decomposition parameters for RRab stars (164 rows)
    J/AJ/136/1921/table8(c)Parameters for Draco anomalous Cepheids (9 rows)
    J/AJ/136/1921/table9(c)Long-period, Semi-regular red variable stars, carbon stars and eclipsing binaries (14 rows)
    J/AJ/136/1921/table10(c)QSOs found in our Draco survey (30 rows)
  Gaia Alerts with LAMOST and SDSS (Huo+, 2020)
    J/other/ApSS/365.89/table1(c)Spectral information for Gaia alert targets (387 rows)
    J/other/ApSS/365.89/table2(c)Spectral information for GNT targets (196 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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