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  Mark III Catalog of Galaxy Peculiar Velocities (Willick+ 1997)
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1.VII/198/matfile2Mark 3 2nd Mathewson data file (1355 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Catnum  (i) Unique number in Mark 3 MAT catalog (Note 1)   (;meta.main)
  Opt_helV km/s (n) Optical Heliocentric radial vel (Note 2)   (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;em.opt;pos.heliocentric)
  Rad_helV km/s (n) 21 cm Radio Heliocentric radial vel (Note 2)   (;;pos.heliocentric)
  DelV_20 km/s (n) 21 cm Delta(V/2), at 20% level (Note 3)   (spect.line.width;
  DelV_50 km/s (n) 21 cm Delta(V/2), at 50% level (Note 3)   (spect.line.width;
  Delv_opt km/s (n) H-alpha Delta(V/2) (Note 3)   (spect.line.width;em.line.Halpha)
  DelV_MAT km/s Mathewson adopted Delta(V/2), incl-corr (Note 3)   (spect.line.width;em.opt.V)
  u_DelV* (char) [:]Indication if Delta(V/2) error large (Note 3)   (meta.code.error)
  HI_flux mJy*km/s (n) HI flux, in units of milli-Jy-km/sec (phot.flux.density;em.line.HI;arith.ratio)
  e_HI_flux mJy*km/s (n) error in HI flux measurement (stat.error)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Extinc_B mag Galactic extinction, B-band (Note 4)   (
  Bc_RC3 mag (n) Extinction-corrected B_T magnitude from RC3 (Note 5)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  LogD_RC3 [.1arcmin](n) Log D_25 from RC3 (Note 5)   (arith.zp)
  RC3_axis  (n) Log (a/b) from RC3 (Note 5)   (arith.zp)
  DMaj_ESO arcmin (n) ESO eye-determ B band major axis (Note 6)   (phys.angSize;em.opt.B)
  DMin_ESO arcmin (n) ESO eye-determ B band minor axis (Note 6)   (phys.angSize;em.opt.B)
  Bmag_ELV mag (n) ESO-LV B-band magnitude (Note 6)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  Rmag_ELV mag (n) ESO-LV R-band magnitude (Note 6)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  DMaj_ELV arcmin (n) ESO-LV B band major axis diameter (Note 6)   (phys.angSize;em.opt.B)
  LogDelV [km/s] Log of DelV_MAT (Note 3)   (spect.line.width)
  Name (char) Mathewson Name for Galaxy (Note 7)   (

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