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  Metal-rich galaxies dust, CO and [CI] (Dunne+, 2022)
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1.J/MNRAS/517/962/opt_adSample ad, CO and dust, median logLIR=11.54 (12.07) (335 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) ID of galaxy (;meta.main)
  logLIR [Lsun] Total IR Luminosity (phys.luminosity;em.IR)
  e_logLIR [Lsun] (n) Error in the total IR Luminosity (stat.error)
  logL850 [Lsun] 850um Luminosity (phys.luminosity)
  e_logL850 [Lsun] Error in the 850um Luminosity (stat.error)
  logLCO [Lsun] The CO Luminosity (phys.luminosity;
  e_logLCO [Lsun] Error in the CO Luminosity (stat.error)
  JCorr  Correction factor applied for Jiao et al. (2019ApJ...880..133J) sample (instr.param)
  aCO Msun/( CO calibration factor where MH2=aCOxLCO (arith.factor)
  e_aCO Msun/( in the CO calibration factor (stat.error)
  aCOsim Msun/( simple method of calculating aCO assuming kappaH=1884kg/m^2 (arith.factor)
  kappaH kg/m+2 The dust-H2 conversion factor, kappaH=GDR/kappa850 (arith.factor)
  e_kappaH kg/m+2 Error in kappaH (stat.error)
  logMH2 [Msun] Log mass of MH2 (phys.mass)
  e_logMH2 [Msun] Error in Log mass of MH2 (stat.error)
  loga850 [W/Hz/Msun]The (log) dust calibration factor where MH2=a850xL850 (arith.factor)
  e_loga850 [W/Hz/Msun]Error in the dust calibration factor (stat.error)

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