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  Galaxy Zoo DR1&2, DR5 and DeepL version (Walmsley+, 2022)
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1.J/MNRAS/509/3966/gzdv1-2(c)*Volunteer classifications for GZ DECaLS DR1&2 (Note) (92960 rows)
2.J/MNRAS/509/3966/gzdv5(c)*Volunteer classifications for GZ DECaLS DR5 (Note) (253286 rows)
3.J/MNRAS/509/3966/gzdauto(c)*Automated classifications for GZ DECaLS DR1, DR2 and DR5 galaxies (Note) (313789 rows)
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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)IAUname (char) IAU name (iauname) (;meta.main)
   (ALL)RAJ2000 deg (i) Right Ascension (ra) (J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
   (ALL)DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination (dec) (J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
   (ALL)z  Heliocentric redshift (redshift) (src.redshift)
   (ALL)rMag mag (n) Absolute magnitude from elliptical Petrosian fluxes in rest-frame in SDSS r band (ABmag systems) (elpetroabsmagr) (phys.magAbs)
   (ALL)Ar mag Galactic extinction corrected (ABmag systems) flux in SDSS r band (sersicnmgyr) (
   (ALL)Pth50 arcsec Azimuthally-averaged SDSS-style 50 per cent Petrosian light radius r-band (petro_th50) (phys.angSize;src)
   (ALL)Pth90 arcsec Azimuthally-averaged SDSS-style 90 per cent Petrosian light radius r-band (petro_th90) (phys.angSize;src)
   (ALL)Pth100 arcsec Azimuthally-averaged SDSS-style Petrosian light radius r-band (petro_theta) (phys.angSize;src)
  (1+2)Class (char) Classification group only pre-active ones (upload_group) (src.class)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1+2)Active (char) [False] The active priority galaxies flag (activelearningon) (meta.code)
  (1)DR5 (char) [False True] Flag indicate if the galaxy is present in volunteers DR5 data (ingzdc) (meta.code)
  (1+2)DR1-2 (char) [DR1 DR2] Flag indicate if the galaxy is present in volunteers DR1 or DR2 data (data_release) (meta.code)
  (1+2)NbSOF  Total number of volunteers who answered the Smooth of Featured question (smooth-or-featured_total-votes) (meta.number)
   (ALL)Smooth  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Smooth" to the "Smooth or Featured" question (smooth-or-featuredsmoothfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)Featured  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Featured or Disk" to the "Smooth or Featured" question (smooth-or-featured_featured-or -disk_fraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)Artifact  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Artifact or Star" to the "Smooth or Featured" question (smooth-or-featured artifact_fraction) (meta.number)
  (1+2)NbHR  Total number of volunteers who answered the "How rounded is it" question (how-rounded_total-votes) (meta.number)
   (ALL)RR  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "completely round" to the "How rounded is it" question (how-rounded_completely _fraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)RIB  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "In between" to the "How rounded is it" question (how-roundedin–betweenfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)RCS  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Cigar shape" to the "How rounded is it" question (how-roundedcigar–shapedfraction) (meta.number)
  (1+2)NbDEO  Total number of volunteers who answered the "Disk viewed edge-on" question (disk-edge-on_total-votes) (meta.number)
   (ALL)DEOyes  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "yes" to the "Disk viewed edge-on" question (disk-edge-onyesfraction) (meta.number)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
   (ALL)DEOno  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "no" to the "Disk viewed edge-on" question (disk-edge-onnofraction) (meta.number)
  (1+2)NbEOB  Total number of volunteers who answered the "edge-on-bulge shape" question (edge-on-bulge_total-votes) (meta.number)
   (ALL)EOBR  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Rounded" to the "edge-on-bulge shape" question (edge-on-bulgeroundedfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)EOBB  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Boxy" to the "edge-on-bulge shape" question (edge-on-bulgeboxyfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)EOBNo  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "No bulge" to the "edge-on-bulge shape" question (edge-on-bulgenonefraction) (meta.number)
  (1+2)NbSOB  Total number of volunteers who answered the "sign of bar feature" question (bar_total-votes) (meta.number)
  (1)BYo  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Yes bar" to the "sign of bar feature" question (baryesfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)BNo  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "No bar" to the "sign of bar feature" question (barnofraction) (meta.number)
  (1+2)NbHSA  Total number of volunteers who answered the "Has spiral arms" question (has-spiral arms_total-votes) (meta.number)
   (ALL)HSAyes  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "yes" to the "Has spiral arms" question (has-spiral armsyesfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)HSAno  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "no" to the "Has spiral arms" question (has-spiral armsnofraction) (meta.number)
  (1+2)NbSW  Total number of volunteers who answered the "How tightly wound spiral arms appear" question (spiral-winding_total-votes) (meta.number)
   (ALL)SWT  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Tight" to the "How tightly" question (spiral-windingtightfraction) (meta.number)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
   (ALL)SWM  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Medium" to the "How tightly" question (spiral-windingmediumfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)SWL  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Loose" to the "How tightly" question (spiral-windingloosefraction) (meta.number)
  (1+2)NbSA  Total number of volunteers who answered the "How many spiral arms" question (spiral-arm-count_total-votes) (meta.number)
   (ALL)SAC1  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "1 arm" to the "How many spiral arms" question (spiral-arm-count1fraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)SAC2  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "2 arms" to the "How many spiral arms" question (spiral-arm-count2fraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)SAC3  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "3 arms" to the "How many spiral arms" question (spiral-arm-count3fraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)SAC4  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "4 arms" to the "How many spiral arms" question (spiral-arm-count4fraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)SAC4+  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "More than 4 arms" to the "How many spiral arms" question (spiral-arm-count more–than–4fraction) (meta.number)
  (1+2)NbBulge  Total number of volunteers who answered the "bulge size" question (bulge-size_total-votes) (meta.number)
   (ALL)BSNo  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "No bulge" to the "bulge size" question (bulge-sizenonefraction) (meta.number)
  (1)BSO  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "Obvious" to the "bulge size" question (bulge-sizeobviousfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)BSD  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "bulge size dominant" to the "bulge size" question (bulge-sizedominantfraction) (meta.number)
  (1+2)NbM  (n) Total number of volunteers who answered the "Galaxy merging or tidal debris" question (merging_total-votes) (meta.number)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
   (ALL)MM  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "Merging galaxy" to the "Galaxy merging or tidal debris" question (mergingmergerfraction) (meta.number)
  (1)MTD  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "Tidal debris" to the "Galaxy merging or disturbed" question (merging_tidal-debris _fraction) (meta.number)
  (1)MBO  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "Both" to the "Galaxy merging or tidal debris" question (mergingbothfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)Mno  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "Neither" to the "Galaxy merging or disturbed" question (mergingneitherfraction) (meta.number)
   (ALL)WSS  (n) Mean distance from center of all pixels above double the 20th percentile (wrongsizestatistic) (meta.number)
   (ALL)WSW (char) [False True] True if WSS > 161.0 our suggested starting cut to the mean distance of all pixels from center (wrongsizewarning) (meta.code)
  (2)Pngloc (char) Image file location in the DR5 (png_loc) (;meta.file)
  (2+3)BS  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "strong bar" to the "sign of bar feature" question (barstrongfraction) (meta.number)
  (2+3)BW  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "weak bar" to the "sign of bar feature" question (barweakfraction) (meta.number)
  (2+3)BSL  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "bulge size large" to the "bulge size" question (bulge-sizelargefraction) (meta.number)
  (2+3)BSM  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "bulge size moderate" to the "bulge size" question (bulge-sizemoderatefraction) (meta.number)
  (2+3)BSS  (n) Fraction of volunteers who responded "bulge size small" to the "bulge size" question (bulge-sizesmallfraction) (meta.number)
  (2+3)SACCT  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "Can't tell" to the "How many spiral arms" question (spiral-arm-countcant–tellfraction) (meta.number)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2+3)MMiD  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "Minor disturbance" to the "Galaxy merging or disturbed" question (mergingminor–disturbancefraction) (meta.number)
  (2+3)MMaD  (n) Total number of volunteers who responded "Major disturbance" to the "Galaxy merging or disturbed" question (mergingmajor–disturbancefraction) (meta.number)
  (3)rmag  (n) Magnitude from 22.5-2.5*log(Ar) (mag_r) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  (3)SmoothP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "Smooth or Featured" question (smooth-or- featuredproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (3)DEOP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "Disk viewed edge-on" question (disk-edge -onproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (3)HSAP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "Has spiral arms" question (has-spiral- armsproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (3)SOBP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "sign of bar feature" question (barproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (3)BulgeP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "bulge size" question (bulge -sizeproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (3)HRP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "How rounded is it" question (how -roundedproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (3)EOBP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "edge-on-bulge shape" question (edge -on-bulgeproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (3)SWP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "How tightly wound spiral arms appear" question (spiral -windingproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (3)SAP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "How many spiral arms" question (spiral -arm-countproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (3)MP  Estimated proportion of volunteers asked for the "Galaxy merging or disturbed" question (mergingproportionvolunteers_asked) (Note 1)   (meta.number)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)Fileloc (char) Image file location in the DR1, DR2 or DR5 (file_loc) (;meta.file)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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