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  AllWISE ctp to ROSAT/2RXS & XMMSLEW2 catalogs (Salvato+, 2018)
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1.J/MNRAS/473/4937/2rxswg(c)Position and photometry for AllWISE and GAIA counterparts to ROSAT/2RXS with |b|>15deg (132254 rows)
2.J/MNRAS/473/4937/xmmslew2(c)Position and photometry for AllWISE and GAIA counterparts to XMMSLEW2 (release 2.0) with |b|>15deg (19141 rows)
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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  (1)2RXS (char) IAU Identifier from Boller et al. (2016, Cat. J/A+A/588/A103) (2RXS_ID) (;meta.main)
   (ALL)RAJ2000 deg (i) 2RXS Right ascension (J2000.0) (2RXS_RA) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
   (ALL)DEJ2000 deg (i) 2RXS Declination (J2000.0) (2RXS_DEC) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
   (ALL)ePos arcsec 2RXS positional error (2RXS_e_RADEC) (stat.error;pos)
  (1)ExiML  2RXS source Detection Likelihood from Boller et al. (2016, Cat. J/A+A/588/A103) (2RXS_ExiML) (stat.likelihood)
  (1)Ext pix 2RXS source extent from Boller et al. (2016, Cat. J/A+A/588/A103) (2RXS_Ext) (instr.fov;instr.pixel)
  (1)ExtML  Probability of the 2RXS source extend from Boller et al. (2016, Cat. J/A+A/588/A103) (2RXS_ExtML) (stat.likelihood)
  (1)SrcFlux mW/m2 2RXS flux computed as in Dwelly et al. (2017MNRAS.469.1065D) (2RXS_SRC_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  (1)e_SrcFlux mW/m2 2RXS flux error (2RXS_SRC_FLUX_ERR) (stat.error)
   (ALL)ALLWISE (char) WISE All-Sky Release Catalogue name from Cutri et al. (2013, Cat. II/328) (ALLW_ID) (

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
   (ALL)RAWdeg deg AllWISE Right Ascension (J2000.0) (ALLW_RA) (pos.eq.ra)
   (ALL)DEWdeg deg AllWISE Declination (J2000.0) (ALLW_DEC) (pos.eq.dec)
   (ALL)ePosW arcsec AllWISE positional error (ALLW_e_RADEC) (stat.error;pos)
   (ALL)W1mag mag (n) AllWISE Vega magnitude in the W1 band (ALLW_w1mpro) (phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um)
   (ALL)W2mag mag (n) AllWISE Vega magnitude in the W2 band (ALLW_w2mpro) (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
   (ALL)W3mag mag (n) AllWISE Vega magnitude in the W3 band (ALLW_w3mpro) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um)
   (ALL)W4mag mag (n) AllWISE Vega magnitude in the W4 band (ALLW_w4mpro) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um)
   (ALL)e_W1mag mag (n) AllWISE magnitude error in the W1 band (ALLW_w1sigmpro) (stat.error;phot.mag)
   (ALL)e_W2mag mag (n) AllWISE magnitude error in the W2 band (ALLW_w2sigmpro) (stat.error;phot.mag)
   (ALL)e_W3mag mag (n) AllWISE magnitude error in the W3 band (ALLW_w3sigmpro) (stat.error;phot.mag)
   (ALL)e_W4mag mag (n) AllWISE magnitude error in the W4band (ALLW_w4sigmpro) (stat.error;phot.mag)
   (ALL)W1snr  (n) AllWISE signal to noise ratio in the W1 band (ALLW_w1snr) (stat.snr)
   (ALL)W2snr  (n) AllWISE signal to noise ratio in the W2 band (ALLW_w2snr) (stat.snr)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
   (ALL)W3snr  (n) AllWISE signal to noise ratio in the W3 band (ALLW_w3snr) (stat.snr)
   (ALL)W4snr  (n) AllWISE signal to noise ratio in the W4 band (ALLW_w4snr) (stat.snr)
   (ALL)Flags (char) AllWISE reliability flag from Cutri et al. (2013, Cat. II/328) (ALLW_cc_flags) (meta.code.error)
  (1)SepW-2RXS arcsec [0/100[ Separation between X-ray source and AllWISE candidate counterpart (Separation_ALLW_2RXS) (pos.angDistance)
   (ALL)Distbf  Logarithm of ratio between prior and posterior, from separation, positional error and number density (dist_bayesfactor) (
   (ALL)Distpost  Distance posterior probability comparing this association vs. no association (dist_post) (
   (ALL)Bias  Probability weighting introduced by AllWISE prior. 1 indicates no change (bias_ALLW_COLOURMAG_PIX) (
   (ALL)psingle  Same as dist_post, but weighted by the AllWISE color-magnitude prior. (p_single) (
   (ALL)pany  For each entry in the X-ray catalogue, the probability that there is a counterpart (p_any) (Note 1)   (
   (ALL)pi  Relative probability of the match (p_i) (Note 2)   (
   (ALL)MatchFlag  Quality of the X-ray to WISE association (match_flag) (Note 3)   (meta.code.qual)
   (ALL)GroupID  (n) Sequencial number for X-ray sources with more than one possible counterpart (GroupID) (Note 4)   (
   (ALL)GroupSize  (n) Number of possible All-WISE counterparts for a given X-ray source (GroupSize) (Note 5)   (meta.number)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
   (ALL)1RXS (char) Source name in the 1RXS catalogues of Voges et al. (1999, Cat. IX/10) and Voges et al. (2000, Cat. IX/29) (1RXS_ID) (Note 6)   (
  (1)2MASS  (n) 2MASS Identifier as listed in the AllWISE catalog (ALLW_2MASS_ID) (
   (ALL)Jmag mag (n) 2MASS magnitude in the J band, as from AllWISE catalogue. (ALLW_j_m_2mass) (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
   (ALL)Hmag mag (n) 2MASS magnitude in the H band, as from AllWISE catalogue. (ALLW_h_m_2mass) (phot.mag;em.IR.H)
   (ALL)Kmag mag (n) 2MASS magnitude in the K band, as from AllWISE catalogue. (ALLW_k_m_2mass) (phot.mag;em.IR.K)
   (ALL)e_Jmag mag (n) 2MASS magnitude error in the J band as reported in the AllWISE catalogue (ALLW_j_msig_2mass) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J)
   (ALL)e_Hmag mag (n) 2MASS magnitude error in the H band as reported in the AllWISE catalogue (ALLW_h_msig_2mass) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H)
   (ALL)e_Kmag mag (n) 2MASS magnitude error in the K band as reported in the AllWISE catalogue (ALLW_k_msig_2mass) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K)
   (ALL)Gaia  (n) Solution ID from the original Gaia DR1 catalogue from Fabricious et al. (2016, Cat. I/337) (Gaia_DR1_ID) (
   (ALL)RAGdeg deg (n) Gaia Right Ascension (J2000) (Gaia_DR1_RA) (pos.eq.ra)
   (ALL)DEGdeg deg (n) Gaia Declination (J2000) (Gaia_DR1_DEC) (pos.eq.dec)
   (ALL)pmRA mas/yr (n) Proper motion in Right Ascension as measured by Gaia (pmra) (;pos.eq.ra)
   (ALL)pmDE mas/yr (n) Proper motion in Declination as measured by Gaia (pmdec) (;pos.eq.dec)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
   (ALL)e_pmRA mas/yr (n) Proper motion error in Right Ascension as measured by Gaia (pmra_error) (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra)
   (ALL)e_pmDE mas/yr (n) Proper motion error in Declination as measured by Gaia (pmdec_error) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec)
   (ALL)<FG> e-/s (n) Gaia G-band mean flux (phot_g_mean_flux) (phot.flux.density;em.opt.R)
   (ALL)e_<FG> e-/s (n) Gaia G-band mean flux error (phot_g_mean_flux_error) (stat.error)
   (ALL)<Gmag> mag (n) Gaia mean magnitude (phot_g_mean_mag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (2)XMMSL2 (char) XMMSLew2 identifier (XMMSL2_ID) (Note 8)   (;meta.main)
  (2)DetMLB8  (n) XMMSL2 source Detection Likelihood in band 8 (XMMSL2_DET_ML_B8) (Note 1)   (stat.likelihood)
  (2)DetMLB7  (n) XMMSL2 source Detection Likelihood in band 7 (XMMSL2_DET_ML_B7) (Note 1)   (stat.likelihood)
  (2)DetMLB6  (n) XMMSL2 source Detection Likelihood in band 6 (XMMSL2_DET_ML_B6) (Note 1)   (stat.likelihood)
  (2)EXTB8 pix (n) XMMSL2 source extent in units of image pixels, in band 8 (XMMSL2_EXT_B8) (Note 1)   (phys.angSize;arith.ratio)
  (2)EXTB7 pix (n) XMMSL2 source extent in units of image pixels, in band 7 (XMMSL2_EXT_B7) (Note 1)   (phys.angSize;arith.ratio)
  (2)EXTB6 pix (n) XMMSL2 source extent in units of image pixels, in band 6 (XMMSL2_EXT_B86) (Note 1)   (phys.angSize;arith.ratio)
  (2)ExtMLB8  (n) Probability of the XMMSL2 source extend in band 8 (XMMSL2_Ext_ML_B8) (Note 1)   (stat.likelihood)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)ExtMLB7  (n) Probability of the XMMSL2 source extend in band 7 (XMMSL2_Ext_ML_B7) (Note 1)   (stat.likelihood)
  (2)ExtMLB6  (n) Probability of the XMMSL2 source extend in band 6 (XMMSL2_Ext_ML_B6) (Note 1)   (stat.likelihood)
  (2)FluxB8 mW/m2 (n) XMMSL2 flux in band 8 (XMMSL2_FLUX_B8) (Note 1)   (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  (2)FluxB7 mW/m2 (n) XMMSL2 flux in band 7 (XMMSL2_FLUX_B7) (Note 1)   (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  (2)FluxB6 mW/m2 (n) XMMSL2 flux in band 6 (XMMSL2_FLUX_B6) (Note 1)   (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  (2)e_FluxB8 mW/m2 (n) XMMSL2 flux error in band 8 (XMMSL2_FLUX_ERR_B8) (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  (2)e_FluxB7 mW/m2 (n) XMMSL2 flux error in band 7 (XMMSL2_FLUX_ERR_B7) (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  (2)e_FluxB6 mW/m2 (n) XMMSL2 flux error in band 6 (XMMSL2_FLUX_ERR_B6) (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  (2)SepW-2XMM arcsec [0/100] Separation between X-ray source and AllWISE candidate counterpart (Separation_ALLW_2RXS) (pos.angDistance)
  (2)2MASS (char) 2MASS Identifier as listed in the AllWISE catalog (ALLW_2MASS_ID) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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