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  Radio pulsars post-glitchs (Gugercinoglu, 2017)
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1.J/MNRAS/469/2313/table1*Radio pulsar glitches displaying post-glitch exponential decay are confronted with the model (Note) (89 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Pulsar (char) Pulsar name (;meta.main)
  Age 10+4yr Characteristic age (time.age)
  Bd 10+12gaussSurface dipole (at equator) (phys.magField)
  Bphi 10+14gaussInterior toroidal field strength (phys.magField)
  Date d Glitch observation date (MJD) (time.epoch;obs)
  e_Date d (n) rms uncertainty on Date or lower error value (stat.error;time.epoch)
  E_Date d (n) Upper error value on Date (stat.error;stat.max)
  Dnug/nu 10-9 (n) Glitch magnitude, {DELTA}νg/ν (meta.note)
  e_Dnug/nu 10-9 (n) rms uncertainty on Dnug/nu (stat.error)
  Jump 10-3 (n) Glitch jump in the spin-down rate, {DELTA}dνg/dt/(dν/dt) (meta.note)

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  e_Jump 10-3 (n) rms uncertainty on Jump (stat.error)
  Q  (n) Glitch healing parameter (phot.color.reddFree)
  e_Q  (n) rms uncertainty on Q or lower error value (stat.error)
  E_Q  (n) Upper error value on Q (stat.error;stat.max)
  taud d (n) Observed exponential decay time-scale (time.scale)
  e_taud d (n) rms uncertainty on taud or lower error value (stat.error)
  E_taud d (n) Upper error value on taud (stat.error;stat.max)
  tautor1 d Toroidal relaxation time-scale For Model 1 (time.relax)
  tautor2 d Toroidal relaxation time-scale For Model 2 (time.relax)
  tautor3 d Toroidal relaxation time-scale For Model 3 (time.relax)

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