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  CANDELS/SHARDS multiwavelength cat. in GOODS-N (Barro+, 2019)
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1.J/ApJS/243/22/sfrudsThe UDS SFR catalog (see Appendix D) (original column names in green) (35932 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  ID   [1/41457] Identifier (;meta.main)
  zbest  (n) [0/10.01] Photometric redshift used in the IR SED fitting, corresponds to zbest in the redshift catalog (src.redshift;pos.heliocentric)
  F24um uJy (n) [14/9639] Spitzer/MIPS 24um flux (Flux_MIPS24) (Note 1)   (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um)
  F70um uJy (n) [980/153570] Spitzer/MIPS 70um flux (Flux_MIPS70) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.30-60um)
  F160um uJy (n) [26790/31244] Spitzer/MIPS 160um flux (only for COSMOS) (Flux_MIPS160) (phot.flux.density;
  F100umP uJy (n) [203/207880] Herschel/PACS 100um flux (Flux_PACS_100) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.60-100um)
  F160umP uJy (n) [687/224810] Herschel/PACS 160um flux (Flux_PACS_160) (phot.flux.density;
  F250um uJy (n) [2309/130160] Herschel/SPIRE 250um flux (Flux_SPIRE_250) (phot.flux.density;
  F350um uJy (n) [1631/68809] Herschel/SPIRE 350um flux (Flux_SPIRE_350) (phot.flux.density;
  F500um uJy (n) [1327/53735] Herschel/SPIRE 500um flux (Flux_SPIRE_500) (phot.flux.density;

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_F24um uJy (n) [4/280] F24um uncertainty (Flux_Err_MIPS24) (stat.error)
  e_F70um uJy (n) [305/4915] F70um uncertainty (Flux_Err_MIPS70) (stat.error)
  e_F160um uJy (n) [1848/1969] F160um uncertainty (only for COSMOS) (Flux_Err_MIPS160) (stat.error)
  e_F100umP uJy (n) [142/16007] F100um uncertainty (Flux_Err_PACS_100) (stat.error)
  e_F160umP uJy (n) [204/17311] F160um uncertainty (Flux_Err_PACS_160) (stat.error)
  e_F250um uJy (n) [580/7680] F250um uncertainty (Flux_Err_SPIRE_250) (stat.error)
  e_F350um uJy (n) [492/5712] F350um uncertainty (Flux_Err_SPIRE_350) (stat.error)
  e_F500um uJy (n) [374/4807] F500um uncertainty (Flux_Err_SPIRE_500) (stat.error)
  SFRtot Msun/yr (n) [-1.1e+17/2.6e+43] Best estimate of the total SFR (SFR_ladder_total) (Note 2)   (phys.SFR)
  LType   [1/3] Type of SFR indicators used in SFRtot (SFR_ladder_type) (Note 3)   (meta.code)
  UVcor Msun/yr (n) [-1.1e+17/2.6e+43] UV-based star formation rate corrected for extinction (SFR_UV_corr) (Note 4)   (phys.SFR)
  e_UVcor Msun/yr (n) [2.1e-8/3.7e+43] UVcor uncertainty (SFR_UV_corr_Error) (stat.error)
  SFR-IR Msun/yr [-2020/15562] IR-based star formation rate (Note 5)   (phys.SFR)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SFR-UV160 Msun/yr (n) [-6.9e+16/8.7e+17] UV-based star formation rate not corrected for extinction determined from the UV luminosity at 160nm (SFR_UV_obs_160) (phys.SFR)
  SFR-UV280 Msun/yr (n) [-1.5e+17/1.8e+18] UV-based star formation rate not corrected for extinction determined from the UV luminosity at 280nm (SFR_UV_obs_280) (phys.SFR)
  beta  (n) [-2.5/81.7] UV slope, βUV (
  Auv160 mag (n) [0.08/97] UV attenuation derived from the IRX-βUV calibration for SFR-UV160 (A_UV_160) (phys.absorption)
  Auv280 mag (n) [0.06/71] UV attenuation derived from the IRX-βUV calibration for SFR-UV280 (A_UV_280) (phys.absorption)
  Av mag (n) [0.03/40] Optical attenuation in the V-band (A_V) (Note 6)   (phys.absorption)
  SFR-UVc160 Msun/yr (n) [-6.9e+16/5.2e+43] UV-based star formation rate corrected for extinction using the IRX-βUV relations determined from the UV luminosity at 160nm (SFR_UV_corr_160) (phys.SFR)
  SFR-UVc280 Msun/yr (n) [-1.5e+17/3.6e+33] UV-based star formation rate corrected for extinction using the IRX-βUV relations determined from the UV luminosity at 280nm (SFR_UV_corr_280) (phys.SFR)
  SFR-IRw11 Msun/yr [-2019/23460] IR-based star formation rate derived from the MIPS 24um flux following Calzetti+ (2000ApJ...533..682C) (SFR_IR_W11) (phys.SFR)

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