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  HST obs. of NGC4258 Cepheids and HII regions (Yuan+, 2022)
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1.J/ApJ/940/64/table2(c)Cepheid properties (669 rows)
2.J/ApJ/940/64/table4(c)H II region metallicity measurements (52 rows)
3.J/ApJ/940/64/table1Observation log (122 rows)

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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  (1+2)ID (char) Position based identifier ( (;meta.main)
  (1)Per d [5/75.5] Period (time.period)
  (1+2)RAJ2000 deg (i) [184.6/184.9] Right Ascension (J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  (1+2)DEJ2000 deg (i) [47.1/47.4] Declination (J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (1)F555W mag [22.89/27.4] HST/ACS F555W Vega magnitude (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  (1)e_F555W mag [0.04/0.7] Uncertainty in F555W (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  (1)F814W mag [21.8/26.4] HST/ACS F814W Vega magnitude (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (1)e_F814W mag [0.02/0.8] Uncertainty in F814W (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (1)F350LP mag (n) [23.99/27.6] HST/WFC3 F350LP Vega magnitude (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  (1)e_F350LP mag (n) [0.02/0.3] Uncertainty in F350LP (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1)AmpV mag [0.13/0.65] F555W or F350LP amplitude (src.var.amplitude;em.opt.V)
  (1)AmpI mag [0.09/0.5] F814W amplitude (src.var.amplitude;em.opt.I)
  (2)Rad kpc [1.4/25.2] Deprojected radius (phys.angSize)
  (2)R23   [2.7/8.6] R23 index, Oxygen-to-H_beta line flux ratio (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  (2)ZZ94   [8.37/9.1] Oxygen abundance Z on the Zaritsky+ 1994ApJ...420...87Z scale (phys.abund.Z)
  (2)ZPP04   [8.2/8.9] Oxygen abundance Z transformed to the Pettini & Pagel 2004MNRAS.348L..59P scale (phys.abund.Z)
  (2)sigma   [0.03/0.08] Uncertainty in oxygen abundance Z (stat.error;phys.abund.Z)
  (2)Source (char) Source(s) (Note 2)   (meta.ref)
  (2)SimbadName (char) (n)Designation understandable by the Simbad data-base (
  (3)Field (char) Field (;obs.field)
  (3)Epoch   [1/13] Epoch (time.epoch)
  (3)Date "Y:M:D" (n)Date (UT) (time.epoch)
  (3)Dataset (char) MAST dataset identifier (Note 1)   (;meta.dataset)
  (3)Filt (char) Filter ("F350LP" for WFC3 fields and "F555W" or "F814W" for ACS) (;instr.filter)
  (3)ExpTime s [400/1600] Exposure time (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  (3)Ndit   [1/2] Dither number (meta.number)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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