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  H-band spectroscopic analysis of 25 bright M31 GCs (Sakari+, 2016)
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1.J/ApJ/829/116/table7Observation information and derived isochrones for new optical data (5 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Bol (char) Globular cluster ID (;meta.main)
  Date (char) UT dates of observation (time.epoch)
  Texp s [10565/16200] Exposure time (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  S/N   [120/250] 6000Å signal-to-noise ratio (Note 1)   (stat.snr)
  HRV km/s [-516/-120] Heliocentric radial velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc;pos.heliocentric)
  e_HRV km/s [0.5/1] HRV uncertainty (stat.error)
  sigma km/s [10.5/17] Velocity dispersion (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_sigma km/s [0.4/0.6] sigma uncertainty (stat.error)
  [Fe/H]   [-1.7/-0.6] Isochrone metallicity (phys.abund.Z)
  Age Gyr [11/14] Age (time.age)
  EW  Display the optical equivalent widths for this globular cluster (meta.ref.url)

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