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  Type Ia SNe spectroscopy by the CSP (Folatelli+, 2013)
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1.J/ApJ/773/53/maxlightValues of velocities and pseudo-equivalent widths at B-band maximum light (tables 3 and 6) (78 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Cl (char) Classification scheme (Note G1)   (meta.code)
  SN (char) SN identifier (YYYYaa) (;meta.main)
  V(HK) km/s (n) CaII H&K velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc)
  e_V(HK) km/s (n) Uncertainty in V(HK) (stat.error)
  V(4130) km/s (n) SiII 4130Å velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc)
  e_V(4130) km/s (n) Uncertainty in V(4130) (stat.error)
  V(5449) km/s (n) SII 5449Å velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc)
  e_V(5449) km/s (n) Uncertainty in V(5449) (stat.error)
  V(5622) km/s (n) SII 5622Å velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc)
  e_V(5622) km/s (n) Uncertainty in V(5622) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  V(5972) km/s (n) SiII 5972Å velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc)
  e_V(5972) km/s (n) Uncertainty in V(5972) (stat.error)
  V(6355) km/s [8761/16232] Si II 6355Å velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc)
  e_V(6355) km/s [22/881] Uncertainty in V(6355) (stat.error)
  V(Ca-IR) km/s (n) CaII-IR velocity (spect.dopplerVeloc)
  e_V(Ca-IR) km/s (n) Uncertainty in V(Ca-IR) (stat.error)
  Dv20 km/s (n) [167/5047] SiII 6355Å velocity decline (Note 1)   (phys.veloc;arith.diff)
  e_Dv20 km/s (n) Uncertainty in Dv20 (stat.error)
  pW1 0.1nm (n) Pseudo-equivalent width of Ca II H&K (Note 1)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_pW1 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in pW1 (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  pW2 0.1nm (n) Pseudo-equivalent width of Si II 4130 (Note 1)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_pW2 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in pW2 (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  pW3 0.1nm (n) Pseudo-equivalent width of Mg II (Note 1)   (spect.line.eqWidth)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_pW3 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in pw3 (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  pW4 0.1nm (n) Pseudo-equivalent width of Fe II (Note 1)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_pW4 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in pw4 (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  pW5 0.1nm Pseudo-equivalent width of S II W (Note 1)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_pW5 0.1nm Uncertainty in pw5 (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  pW6 0.1nm Pseudo-equivalent width of Si II 5972 (Note 1)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_pW6 0.1nm Uncertainty in pw6 (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  pW7 0.1nm [53/184] Pseudo-equivalent width of Si II 6355 (Note 1)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_pW7 0.1nm [0.2/37] Uncertainty in pw7 (Note 1)   (stat.error)
  pW8 0.1nm (n) Pseudo-equivalent width of Ca II IR (Note 1)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_pW8 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in pw8 (Note 1)   (stat.error)

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