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  APOGEE DR14:Binary companions of evolved stars (Price-Whelan+, 2018)
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1.J/AJ/156/18/table4cHigh-K, unimodal systems (Part 3) (320 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  APOGEE (char) TMASS-STYLE object name (2MHHMMSSss+DDMMSSs) (APOGEE_ID) (;meta.main)
  [C/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.605872/0.906618] [C/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (C_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[C/Fe] [-] (n) [0.00855486/0.425159] Uncertainty in [C/Fe] (CFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[C/Fe]   [0/4608] Flag on [C/Fe] (CFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [CI/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.813277/0.752271] [CI/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (CI_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[CI/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0235415/0.728615] Uncertainty in [CI/Fe] (CIFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[CI/Fe]   [0/512] Flag on [CI/Fe] (CIFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [N/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.929942/0.866678] [N/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (N_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[N/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0127451/1.15091] Uncertainty in [N/Fe] (NFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[N/Fe]   [0/4864] Flag on [N/Fe] (NFEFLAG) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  [O/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.44404/0.899931] [O/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (O_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[O/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0114029/1.32778] Uncertainty in [O/Fe] (OFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[O/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [O/Fe] (OFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Na/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.949111/2.8071] [Na/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (NA_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[Na/Fe] [-] (n) [0.047823/0.346814] Uncertainty in [Na/Fe] (NAFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[Na/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [Na/Fe] (NAFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Mg/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.370201/0.521053] [Mg/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (MG_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[Mg/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0129868/0.139648] Uncertainty in [Mg/Fe] (MGFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[Mg/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [Mg/Fe] (MGFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Al/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.875144/0.772101] [Al/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (AL_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[Al/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0257721/0.603017] Uncertainty in [Al/Fe] (ALFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[Al/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [Al/Fe] (ALFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Si/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.485399/0.628593] [Si/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (SI_FE) (phys.abund)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_[Si/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0155106/0.190095] Uncertainty in [Si/Fe] (SIFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[Si/Fe]   [0/512] Flag on [Si/Fe] (SIFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [P/Fe] [-] (n) [-1.33856/0.781412] [P/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (P_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[P/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0597777/1.21413] Uncertainty in [P/Fe] (PFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[P/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [P/Fe] (PFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [S/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.441193/1.0988] [S/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (S_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[S/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0360035/3.28314] Uncertainty in [S/Fe] (SFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[S/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [S/Fe] (SFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [K/Fe] [-] (n) [-1.5587/1.02773] [K/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (K_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[K/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0212961/2.61352] Uncertainty in [K/Fe] (KFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[K/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [K/Fe] (KFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Ca/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.41501/0.676363] [Ca/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (CA_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[Ca/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0121942/1.1855] Uncertainty in [Ca/Fe] (CAFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  f_[Ca/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [Ca/Fe] (CAFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Ti/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.459241/0.940118] [Ti/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (TI_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[Ti/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0182201/2.07815] Uncertainty in [Ti/Fe] (TIFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[Ti/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [Ti/Fe] (TIFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [TiII/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.650657/1.01219] [TiII/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (TIII_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[TiII/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0562044/1.50728] Uncertainty in [TiII/Fe] (TIIIFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[TiII/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [TiII/Fe] (TIIIFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [V/Fe] [-] (n) [-1.36534/0.819463] [V/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (V_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[V/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0354128/1.11741] Uncertainty in [V/Fe] (VFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[V/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [V/Fe] (VFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Cr/Fe] [-] (n) [-2.14633/0.920533] [Cr/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (CR_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[Cr/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0183471/1] Uncertainty in [Cr/Fe] (CRFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[Cr/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [Cr/Fe] (CRFEFLAG) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  [Mn/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.868327/0.445475] [Mn/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (MN_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[Mn/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0135613/1.43826] Uncertainty in [Mn/Fe] (MNFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[Mn/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [Mn/Fe] (MNFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Fe/H]A [-] (n) [-2.54673/0.44714] [Fe/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (FE_H) (phys.abund.Fe)
  e_[Fe/H]A [-] (n) [0.00644489/0.0983692] Uncertainty in [Fe/H] (FEHERR) (stat.error;phys.abund.Fe)
  f_[Fe/H]A   [0/768] Flag on [Fe/H] (FEHFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Co/Fe] [-] (n) [-2.39905/1.46474] [Co/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (CO_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[Co/Fe] [-] (n) [0.0296143/1.07991] Uncertainty in [Co/Fe] (COFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[Co/Fe]   [0/768] Flag on [Co/Fe] (COFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  [Ni/Fe] [-] (n) [-0.701613/0.611115] [Ni/Fe] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (NI_FE) (phys.abund)
  e_[Ni/Fe] [-] (n) [0.00842047/0.402356] Uncertainty in [Ni/Fe] (NIFEERR) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  f_[Ni/Fe]   [0/512] Flag on [Ni/Fe] (NIFEFLAG) (meta.code)
  ReductionID (char) Quasi-unique identifier: (HEY: The 1m targets have a blank string) (REDUCTION_ID) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SrcH (char) [2MASS] Source of H-band photometry (SRC_H) (
  Mmag mag (n) [0/16.7656] Washington M band magnitude (WASH_M) (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  e_Mmag mag (n) [0/0.035] Uncertainty in Mmag (WASHMERR) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
  T2mag mag (n) [0/15.195] Washington T2 band magnitude (WASH_T2) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  e_T2mag mag (n) [0/0.755] Uncertainty in T2mag (WASHT2ERR) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  51mag mag (n) [0/16.7824] DDO 51 magnitude (DDO51) (phot.mag)
  e_51mag mag (n) [0/0.04] Uncertainty in 51mag (DDO51_ERR) (stat.error)
  3.6mag mag (n) [6.73874/12.89] Spitzer/IRAC 3.6 micron band magnitude (IRAC36) (phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um)
  e_3.6mag mag (n) [0.0214717/0.075] Uncertainty in 3.6mag (IRAC36_ERR) (stat.error)
  4.5mag mag (n) [6.82275/12.884] Spitzer/IRAC 4.5 micron band magnitude (IRAC45) (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
  e_4.5mag mag (n) [0.0224719/0.099] Uncertainty in 4.5mag (IRAC45_ERR) (stat.error)
  5.8mag mag (n) [8.438/12.739] Spitzer/IRAC 5.8 micron band magnitude (IRAC58) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.4-8um)
  e_5.8mag mag (n) [0.037/0.298] Uncertainty in 5.8mag (IRAC58_ERR) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  8mag mag (n) [8.421/12.438] Spitzer/IRAC -4008 micron band magnitude (IRAC80) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um)
  e_8mag mag (n) [0.03/0.21] Uncertainty in 8mag (IRAC80_ERR) (stat.error)
  4.5magW mag (n) [6.559/14.744] WISE 4.5 micron band magnitude (WISE45) (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
  e_4.5magW mag (n) [0.017/0.107] Uncertainty in 4.5magW (WISE45_ERR) (stat.error)
  4.5targ mag (n) [6.561/14.531] 4.5 micron mag adopted for dereddening for targeting (TARG45) (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
  e_4.5targ mag (n) [0/0.099] Uncertainty in 4.5targ (TARG45_ERR) (stat.error)
  EK  (n) [-0.0468184/1.48532] K-band extinction adopted for targetting (AK_TARG) (phys.absorption)
  MetEK (char) Method used to get targetting extinction (AKTARGMETHOD) (meta.note)
  AKWISE  (n) [-0.17901/1.30264] WISE all-sky K-band extinction (AK_WISE) (phys.absorption)
  E(B-V)SFD  (n) [0.00872341/1.49401] Schlegel et al. (1998ApJ...500..525S) reddening (SFD_EBV) (phot.color.excess)
  DDO51Giant  (n) [-1/1] Flagged as a giant for targeting purposes based on Washington/DDO 51 photometry (WASHDDO51GIANT_FLAG) (meta.code)
  DDO51Star  (n) [0/1] Flagged as a star for targeting purposes based on Washington/DDO 51 photometry (WASHDDO51STAR_FLAG) (meta.code)
  pmRA mas/yr (n) [-61.3/25.8] Proper motion along RA from the UCAC-4 catalog (Cat. I/322) (PMRA) (;pos.eq.ra)
  pmDE mas/yr (n) [-70/38] Proper motion along DE from the UCAC-4 catalog (Cat. I/322) (PMDEC) (;pos.eq.dec)
  pmCat (char) Catalog used for proper motion (PM_SRC) (instr.setup;meta.table)
  DR14rc   [0/1] If the star is included in the APOGEE DR14 red clump catalog (DR14RC) (meta.code)
  Tingrc   [0/1] If the star is included in red clump catalog of Ting et al. (2018ApJ...858L...7T) (TINGRC) (meta.code)
  clean  (n) [0/2] Clean flag (clean_flag) (Note G9)   (meta.code)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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