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NB: The epoch used for the query is the original epoch of the table(s)Radius Box size

  TESS OBAF-type eclipsing binaries (IJspeert+, 2024)
Post annotation
1.J/A+A/691/A242/obaf-eb1TESSOBAFEB_catalogue (partial) (69057 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  TIC  Identification number in the TESS Input Catalog (TIC) (;meta.main)
  2MASS (char) Identification number from 2MASS (TWOMASS) (
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Right ascension (J2000) (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination (J2000) (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  plx mas (n) TIC parallax (mas) (plx) (pos.parallax.trig)
  e_plx mas (n) TIC parallax error (mas) (e_plx) (stat.error;pos.parallax)
  GLON deg Galactic longitude (degrees) (gallong) (pos.galactic.lon)
  GLAT deg Galactic latitude (degrees) (gallat) (
  ELON deg Ecliptic longitude (degrees) (eclong) (pos.ecliptic.lon)
  ELAT deg Ecliptic latitude (degrees) (eclat) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Jmag mag J band magnitude (Jmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  e_Jmag mag (n) J band magnitude error (e_Jmag) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Hmag mag H band magnitude (Hmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  e_Hmag mag (n) H band magnitude error (e_Hmag) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Kmag mag K band magnitude (Kmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  e_Kmag mag (n) K band magnitude error (e_Kmag) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Gmagtic mag (n) TIC Gaia (G) magnitude (GAIAmag) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  e_Gmagtic mag (n) TIC Gaia (G) magnitude error (e_GAIAmag) (stat.error)
  Tmag mag TESS (T) magnitude (Tmag) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  e_Tmag mag (n) TESS (T) magnitude error (e_Tmag) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Tefftic K (n) TIC effective temperature (Teff) (phys.temperature.effective)
  e_Tefftic K (n) TIC effective temperature error (e_Teff) (stat.error)
  lumclass (char) [ADFRW] TIC luminosity class (dwarf or unknown in this case, by design) (lumclass) (src.class.luminosity)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Disttic  (n) TIC distance (d) (pos.distance)
  e_Disttic  (n) TIC distance error (e_d) (stat.error)
  E(B-V)tic mag (n) TIC extinction (ebv) (phot.color.excess)
  e_E(B-V)tic mag (n) TIC extinction error (e_ebv) (stat.error)
  NumCont  (n) TIC number of Contamination Sources (numcont) (meta.number)
  ContRatio  (n) TIC contamination ratio (contratio) (
  BPmagtic mag (n) TIC Gaia BP (blue) magnitude (gaiabp) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_BPmagtic mag (n) TIC Gaia BP (blue) magnitude error (e_gaiabp) (stat.error)
  RPmagtic mag (n) TIC Gaia RP (red) magnitude (gaiarp) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_RPmagtic mag (n) TIC Gaia RP (red) magnitude error (e_gaiarp) (stat.error)
  wdflag  (n) TIC white dwarf flag (0 or -1 (so not 1) in this case, by design) (wdflag) (meta.code)
  GaiaDR3  (n) Identification number from GAIA DR3 (GAIA_DR3) (
  BP-RP mag (n) Gaia BP-RP colour (bp_rp) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  CatOri (char) Original external catalogue source identifier from 2MASS (originalextsource_id) (;meta.dataset)
  Gmag mag (n) Gaia G-band mean magnitude (photgmean_mag) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  BPmag mag (n) Gaia integrated BP mean magnitude (photbpmean_mag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  RPmag mag (n) Gaia integrated RP mean magnitude (photrpmean_mag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  AG mag (n) Gaia extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (ag_gspphot) (phys.absorption)
  b_AG mag (n) Gaia lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (aggspphotlower) (phys.absorption;phys.atmol.level)
  B_AG mag (n) Gaia upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (aggspphotupper) (phys.absorption;phys.atmol.level)
  E(BP-RP) mag (n) Gaia reddening E(GBP-GRP) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (ebpminrp_gspphot) (phot.color.excess)
  b_E(BP-RP) mag (n) Gaia lower confidence level (16%) of reddening E(GBP-GRP) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (ebpminrpgspphotlower) (;phys.atmol.level)
  B_E(BP-RP) mag (n) Gaia upper confidence level (84%) of reddening E(GBP-GRP) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (ebpminrpgspphotupper) (;phys.atmol.level)
  Teff K (n) Gaia effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (teff_gspphot) (phys.temperature.effective)
  b_Teff K (n) Gaia lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (teffgspphotlower) (phys.temperature.effective;phys.atmol.level)
  B_Teff K (n) Gaia upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (teffgspphotupper) (phys.temperature.effective;phys.atmol.level)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  logg [cm/s2] (n) Gaia surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (log ) (logg_gspphot) (phys.gravity)
  b_logg [cm/s2] (n) Gaia lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (log) (logggspphotlower) (phys.gravity;stat.min)
  B_logg [cm/s2] (n) Gaia upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (log) (logggspphotupper) (phys.gravity;stat.max)
  Dist pc (n) Gaia distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (distance_gspphot) (pos.distance)
  b_Dist pc (n) Gaia lower confidence level (16%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (distancegspphotlower) (pos.distance;;phys.atmol.level)
  B_Dist pc (n) Gaia upper confidence level (16%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (distancegspphotupper) (pos.distance;;phys.atmol.level)
  Teff-HS K (n) Gaia effective temperature from ESP-HS (teff_esphs) (phys.temperature.effective)
  e_Teff-HS K (n) Gaia uncertainty at a 68% confidence level on the effective temperature from ESP-HS (teffesphsuncertainty) (stat.error)
  AG-HS mag (n) Gaia intersterstellar extinction in G band from ESP-HS (ag_esphs) (phys.absorption)
  e_AG-HS mag (n) Gaia uncertainty on AG from ESP-HS (agesphsuncertainty) (stat.error)
  E(B-V)-HS mag (n) Gaia reddening E(GBP-GRP) from ESP-HS (ebpminrp_esphs) (phot.color.excess)
  e_E(B-V)-HS mag (n) Gaia uncertainty on E(GBP-GRP) from ESP-HS (ebpminrpesphsuncertainty) (stat.error)
  logg-HS [cm/s2] (n) Gaia surface gravity from ESP-HS (log) (logg_esphs) (phys.gravity)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_logg-HS [cm/s2] (n) Gaia uncertainty at a 68% confidence level on the surface gravity from ESP-HS (log) (loggesphsuncertainty) (stat.error)
  vsini-HS km/s (n) Gaia projected rotational velocity from ESP-HS (vsini_esphs) (phys.veloc.rotat)
  e_vsini-HS km/s (n) Gaia uncertainty on the projected rotational velocity from ESP-HS (vsiniesphsuncertainty) (stat.error)
  TeffMSC1 K (n) Gaia effective temperature of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (teff_msc1) (phys.temperature.effective)
  B_TeffMSC1 K (n) Gaia upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (teffmsc1upper) (phys.temperature.effective;phys.atmol.level)
  b_TeffMSC1 K (n) Gaia lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (teffmsc1lower) (phys.temperature.effective;phys.atmol.level)
  TeffMSC2 K (n) Gaia effective temperature of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (teff_msc2) (phys.temperature.effective)
  B_TeffMSC2 K (n) Gaia upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (teffmsc2upper) (phys.temperature.effective;phys.atmol.level)
  b_TeffMSC2 K (n) Gaia lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (teffmsc2lower) (phys.temperature.effective;phys.atmol.level)
  loggMSC1 [cm/s2] (n) Gaia surface gravity of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (log) (logg_msc1) (phys.gravity)
  B_loggMSC1 [cm/s2] (n) Gaia upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (log) (loggmsc1upper) (phys.gravity;stat.max)
  b_loggMSC1 [cm/s2] (n) Gaia lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity of the primary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (log) (loggmsc1lower) (phys.gravity;stat.min)
  loggMSC2 [cm/s2] (n) Gaia surface gravity of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (log cgs) (logg_msc2) (phys.gravity)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  B_loggMSC2 [cm/s2] (n) Gaia upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (log cgs) (loggmsc2upper) (phys.gravity;stat.max)
  b_loggMSC2 [cm/s2] (n) Gaia lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity of the secondary from MSC using BP/RP spectra and parallax (log cgs) (loggmsc2lower) (phys.gravity;stat.min)
  GaiaDupTIC  (n) Gaia entries with a duplicate TIC entry (lower G mag is removed from consideration) (gaiaduptic) (meta.code)
  AG2 mag (n) Gaia extinction in G band (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (ag) (phys.absorption)
  bAG2 mag (n) Gaia lower confidence level of extinction in G band (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (ag_lower) (stat.error)
  BAG2 mag (n) Gaia upper confidence level of extinction in G band (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (ag_upper) (stat.error)
  E(B-V)2 mag (n) Gaia reddening (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (ebpminrp) (phot.color.excess)
  bE(B-V)2 mag (n) Gaia lower confidence level of reddening (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (ebpminrp_lower) (stat.error)
  BE(B-V)2 mag (n) Gaia upper confidence level of reddening (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (ebpminrp_upper) (stat.error)
  Teff2 K (n) Gaia effective temperature (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (teff) (phys.temperature.effective)
  bTeff2 K (n) Gaia lower confidence level of effective temperature (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (teff_lower) (phys.temperature.effective)
  BTeff2 K (n) Gaia upper confidence level of effective temperature (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (teff_upper) (phys.temperature.effective)
  logg2 [cm/s2] (n) Gaia surface gravity (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (logg) (phys.gravity)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  blogg2 [cm/s2] (n) Gaia lower confidence level of surface gravity (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (logg_lower) (;phys.gravity)
  Blogg2 [cm/s2] (n) Gaia upper confidence level of surface gravity (ESP-HS takes precedent over GSP-Phot) (logg_upper) (;phys.gravity)
  t0SPOCy1 d (n) Time of superior conjunction (midpoint of primary eclipse) (TESS BJD = BJD-2457000) (tzerospoc_y1) (time.epoch)
  PerSPOCy1 d (n) Orbital period or half the orbital period (for indistinguishable primary and secondary) (days) (periodspocy1) (time.period)
  scoreSPOCy1  (n) Score value between 0 and 1 by ECLIPSR (see documentation) (scorespocy1) (
  f1SPOCy1  (n) Feature 1 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f1spoc_y1) (
  f2SPOCy1  (n) Feature 2 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f2spoc_y1) (
  f3SPOCy1  (n) Feature 3 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f3spoc_y1) (
  f4SPOCy1  (n) Feature 4 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f4spoc_y1) (
  f5SPOCy1  (n) Feature 5 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f5spoc_y1) (
  f6SPOCy1  (n) Feature 6 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f6spoc_y1) (
  slikeSPOCy1  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely (purely) sinusoidal signal (sinelikespoc_y1) (meta.code)
  wideSPOCy1  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely wide eclipses (in phase space) (widespocy1) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  t0SPOCy2 d (n) Time of superior conjunction (midpoint of primary eclipse) (TESS BJD = BJD-2457000) (tzerospoc_y2) (time.epoch)
  PerSPOCy2 d (n) Orbital period or half the orbital period (for indistinguishable primary and secondary) (days) (periodspocy2) (time.period)
  scoreSPOCy2  (n) Score value between 0 and 1 by ECLIPSR (see documentation) (scorespocy2) (
  f1SPOCy2  (n) Feature 1 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f1spoc_y2) (
  f2SPOCy2  (n) Feature 2 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f2spoc_y2) (
  f3SPOCy2  (n) Feature 3 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f3spoc_y2) (
  f4SPOCy2  (n) Feature 4 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f4spoc_y2) (
  f5SPOCy2  (n) Feature 5 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f5spoc_y2) (
  f6SPOCy2  (n) Feature 6 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f6spoc_y2) (
  slikeSPOCy2  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely (purely) sinusoidal signal (sinelikespoc_y2) (meta.code)
  wideSPOCy2  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely wide eclipses (in phase space) (widespocy2) (meta.code)
  t0SPOCy3 d (n) Time of superior conjunction (midpoint of primary eclipse) (TESS BJD = BJD-2457000) (tzerospoc_y3) (time.epoch)
  PerSPOCy3 d (n) Orbital period or half the orbital period (for indistinguishable primary and secondary) (days) (periodspocy3) (time.period)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  scoreSPOCy3  (n) Score value between 0 and 1 by ECLIPSR (see documentation) (scorespocy3) (
  f1SPOCy3  (n) Feature 1 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f1spoc_y3) (
  f2SPOCy3  (n) Feature 2 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f2spoc_y3) (
  f3SPOCy3  (n) Feature 3 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f3spoc_y3) (
  f4SPOCy3  (n) Feature 4 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f4spoc_y3) (
  f5SPOCy3  (n) Feature 5 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f5spoc_y3) (
  f6SPOCy3  (n) Feature 6 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f6spoc_y3) (
  slikeSPOCy3  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely (purely) sinusoidal signal (sinelikespoc_y3) (meta.code)
  wideSPOCy3  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely wide eclipses (in phase space) (widespocy3) (meta.code)
  t0SPOCy4 d (n) Time of superior conjunction (midpoint of primary eclipse) (TESS BJD = BJD-2457000) (tzerospoc_y4) (time.epoch)
  PerSPOCy4 d (n) Orbital period or half the orbital period (for indistinguishable primary and secondary) (days) (periodspocy4) (time.period)
  scoreSPOCy4  (n) Score value between 0 and 1 by ECLIPSR (see documentation) (scorespocy4) (
  f1SPOCy4  (n) Feature 1 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f1spoc_y4) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  f2SPOCy4  (n) Feature 2 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f2spoc_y4) (
  f3SPOCy4  (n) Feature 3 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f3spoc_y4) (
  f4SPOCy4  (n) Feature 4 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f4spoc_y4) (
  f5SPOCy4  (n) Feature 5 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f5spoc_y4) (
  f6SPOCy4  (n) Feature 6 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f6spoc_y4) (
  slikeSPOCy4  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely (purely) sinusoidal signal (sinelikespoc_y4) (meta.code)
  wideSPOCy4  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely wide eclipses (in phase space) (widespocy4) (meta.code)
  t0QLPy1 d (n) Time of superior conjunction (midpoint of primary eclipse) (TESS BJD = BJD-2457000) (tzeroqlp_y1) (time.epoch)
  PerQLPy1 d (n) Orbital period or half the orbital period (for indistinguishable primary and secondary) (days) (periodqlpy1) (time.period)
  scoreQLPy1  (n) Score value between 0 and 1 by ECLIPSR (see documentation) (scoreqlpy1) (
  f1QLPy1  (n) Feature 1 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f1qlp_y1) (
  f2QLPy1  (n) Feature 2 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f2qlp_y1) (
  f3QLPy1  (n) Feature 3 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f3qlp_y1) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  f4QLPy1  (n) Feature 4 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f4qlp_y1) (
  f5QLPy1  (n) Feature 5 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f5qlp_y1) (
  f6QLPy1  (n) Feature 6 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f6qlp_y1) (
  slikeQLPy1  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely (purely) sinusoidal signal (sinelikeqlp_y1) (meta.code)
  wideQLPy1  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely wide eclipses (in phase space) (wideqlpy1) (meta.code)
  t0QLPy2 d (n) Time of superior conjunction (midpoint of primary eclipse) (TESS BJD = BJD-2457000) (tzeroqlp_y2) (time.epoch)
  PerQLPy2 d (n) orbital period or half the orbital period (for indistinguishable primary and secondary) (days) (periodqlpy2) (time.period)
  scoreQLPy2  (n) Score value between 0 and 1 by ECLIPSR (see documentation) (scoreqlpy2) (
  f1QLPy2  (n) Feature 1 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f1qlp_y2) (
  f2QLPy2  (n) Feature 2 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f2qlp_y2) (
  f3QLPy2  (n) Feature 3 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f3qlp_y2) (
  f4QLPy2  (n) Feature 4 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f4qlp_y2) (
  f5QLPy2  (n) Feature 5 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f5qlp_y2) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  f6QLPy2  (n) Feature 6 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f6qlp_y2) (
  slikeQLPy2  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely (purely) sinusoidal signal (sinelikeqlp_y2) (meta.code)
  wideQLPy2  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely wide eclipses (in phase space) (wideqlpy2) (meta.code)
  t0QLPy3 d (n) Time of superior conjunction (midpoint of primary eclipse) (TESS BJD = BJD-2457000) (tzeroqlp_y3) (time.epoch)
  PerQLPy3 d (n) Orbital period or half the orbital period (for indistinguishable primary and secondary) (days) (periodqlpy3) (time.period)
  scoreQLPy3  (n) Score value between 0 and 1 by ECLIPSR (see documentation) (scoreqlpy3) (
  f1QLPy3  (n) Feature 1 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f1qlp_y3) (
  f2QLPy3  (n) Feature 2 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f2qlp_y3) (
  f3QLPy3  (n) Feature 3 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f3qlp_y3) (
  f4QLPy3  (n) Feature 4 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f4qlp_y3) (
  f5QLPy3  (n) Feature 5 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f5qlp_y3) (
  f6QLPy3  (n) Feature 6 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f6qlp_y3) (
  slikeQLPy3  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely (purely) sinusoidal signal (sinelikeqlp_y3) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  wideQLPy3  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely wide eclipses (in phase space) (wideqlpy3) (meta.code)
  t0QLPy4 d (n) Time of superior conjunction (midpoint of primary eclipse) (TESS BJD = BJD-2457000) (tzeroqlp_y4) (time.epoch)
  PerQLPy4 d (n) Orbital period or half the orbital period (for indistinguishable primary and secondary) (days) (periodqlpy4) (time.period)
  scoreQLPy4  (n) Score value between 0 and 1 by ECLIPSR (see documentation) (scoreqlpy4) (
  f1QLPy4  (n) Feature 1 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f1qlp_y4) (
  f2QLPy4  (n) Feature 2 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f2qlp_y4) (
  f3QLPy4  (n) Feature 3 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f3qlp_y4) (
  f4QLPy4  (n) Feature 4 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f4qlp_y4) (
  f5QLPy4  (n) Feature 5 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f5qlp_y4) (
  f6QLPy4  (n) Feature 6 that goes into the ECLIPSR score value (f6qlp_y4) (
  slikeQLPy4  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely (purely) sinusoidal signal (sinelikeqlp_y4) (meta.code)
  wideQLPy4  (n) Boolean flag (0 or 1) indicating likely wide eclipses (in phase space) (wideqlpy4) (meta.code)
  score  Sum of score values across all datasets (SPOC and QLP years 1-4) (score) (
  slike  Sum of sine_like values across all datasets (SPOC and QLP years 1-4) (sine_like) (meta.code)
  wide  Sum of wide values across all datasets (SPOC and QLP years 1-4) (wide) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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