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  Mrk 421 multiwavelength light curves (Abe+, 2024)
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1.J/A+A/684/A127/fig1Multiwavelength light curves of Fig.1 (470 rows)
2.J/A+A/684/A127/fig2Multiwavelength SED Fig.2 (397 rows)
3.J/A+A/684/A127/fig5Multiwavelength light curves of Fig.5 (15 rows)
4.J/A+A/684/A127/fig7_8*NuSTAR fluxes and spectral indices of Fig.7/8 (Note) (22 rows)

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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  (1+3+4)MJD d Modified Julian date center (time.epoch)
  (1)Flux/pol  Flux or polarization degree/angle (phot.flux.density)
  (1)e_Flux/pol  Flux uncertainty or polarization degree/angle (stat.error)
  (1+3)Energy (char) Energy range or Filter (instr.bandwidth)
  (1+2+3)Inst (char) Instrument (;instr)
   (ALL)Unit (char) Units (meta.unit)
  (2)Freq Hz Frequency, bin center (em.freq)
  (2)nuFnu mW/m2/s Energy flux (phot.flux.density)
  (2)e_nuFnu mW/m2/s Energy flux lower uncertainty (stat.error)
  (2)E_nuFnu mW/m2/s Energy flux upper uncertainty (stat.error;stat.max)

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  (2)U.L.   [0/1] If 1, the 2nd column is a U.L. at 95% C.L. (meta.code)
  (2)Epoch (char) Corresponding epoch of the SED (see paper for details) (time.epoch)
  (3+4)MJDwidth d Width of time bin (time.interval)
  (3)Flux  Flux (phot.flux.density)
  (3)e_Flux  Flux uncertainty (stat.error;phot.flux)
  (4)Flux3-7keV  Flux in 3-7keV band (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  (4)e_Flux3-7keV  Flux uncertainty in 3-7keV (stat.error)
  (4)Flux7-30keV  Flux in 7-30keV band (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  (4)e_Flux7-30keV  Flux uncertainty in 7-30keV (stat.error)
  (4)Alpha  Index of the Log-parabola (meta.code;spect.index)
  (4)e_Alpha  Uncertainty on the index of the Log-parabola (stat.error;pos.eq.ra)

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