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  Multiples among B-stars in Sco-Cen (Gratton+, 2023)
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1.J/A+A/678/A93/tablee2Information about binarity (191 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  HIP  HIP number (;meta.main)
  Line   [1/3] Line number for this star (
  K2/TESS (char) [T/K2 ] K2 or TESS (meta.code)
  RVvar (char) Variable type ftom RV (SB/SB2/EB/RV Var/C) (meta.code;src.var)
  dt d (n) HARPS dt from Trifonov et al. (2020A&A...636A..74T, Cat. J/A+A/636/A74) (time.interval)
  sigma km/s (n) HARPS sigma RV from Trifonov et al. (2020A&A...636A..74T, Cat. J/A+A/636/A74) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  RV km/s (n) Radial velocity From Gaia DR3 (phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric)
  e_RV km/s (n) Radial velocity error From Gaia DR3 (stat.error)
  PctRV  (n) Probability of constant RV from Gaia DR3 (
  AmpRV km/s (n) Amplitude of RV variation from Gaia DR3 (arith.rate;src.var.amplitude)
  Det (char) [YNx] Detection of secondary by Gullikson et al. (2016AJ....152...40G, Cat. J/AJ/152/40) (meta.code)
  RUWE  (n) RUWE from Gaia DR3 (stat.error)
  PMaSNR  (n) GaiaDR3-Hipparcos proper motion anomaly S/N from Kervella et al. (2022A&A...657A...7K, Cat. J/A+A/657/A7) (stat.snr)
  HCIobs  (n) Number of HCI observations (meta.number)
  Int (char) [y] Interferometric observation (meta.code)
  Sep arcsec (n) Separataion of Gaia cpm companions (pos.angDistance)

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