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  Spectroscopy of CD3OD (Ilyushin+, 2023)
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1.J/A+A/677/A49/tableb3Predicted transition frequencies of the ground and first excited torsional states of CD3OD in the frequency range from 1GHz up to 1.33THz (32334 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Sym' (char) Upper level symmetry in the G6 group (phys.atmol)
  m'  Upper free rotor torsional quantum number (phys.atmol.qn;stat.max)
  J'  Upper J quantum number (instr.det.qe;stat.max)
  Ka'  Upper Ka quantum number (phys.atmol.qn;stat.max)
  Kc'  Upper Kc quantum number (phys.atmol.qn;stat.max)
  Sym" (char) Lower level symmetry in the G6 group (phys.atmol)
  m"  Lower free rotor torsional quantum number (phys.atmol.qn;stat.min)
  J"  Lower J quantum number (instr.det.qe;stat.min)
  Ka"  Lower Ka quantum number (phys.atmol.qn;stat.min)
  Kc"  Lower Kc quantum number (phys.atmol.qn;stat.min)
  Freq MHz Predicted transition frequency (em.freq)
  unc MHz Predicted uncertainty of transition frequency (stat.error)
  Elo cm-1 The energy of the lower state (;phys.atmol.level)
  Sm2 D2 Dipole moment squared multiplied by the transition linestrength and nuclear spin statistical weight (stat.weight;phys.atmol.sWeight.nuclear;phys.atmol.transition)

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