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  67 CEMP-s stars model analysis (Abate+, 2015)
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1.J/A+A/581/A22/table6Physical parameters of the model CEMP-s stars with nu≤1 computed with model set B (24 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Sample (char) Sample (Note G1)   (src.sample)
  Name (char) Star name (;meta.main)
  M1i Msun Primary mass fitted parameter, M1,i (phys.mass)
  MPMZ d Mass of the PMZ fitted parameter, MPMZ (phys.mass)
  M2i Msun Secondary mass fitted parameter, M2,i (phys.mass)
  Pi d Orbital period fitted parameter (time.period)
  DMacc Msun Mass accreted by the secondary star, ΔMacc (phys.mass)
  Pf d Orbital period of the binary when the secondary star best reproduces the observed logg and surface abundances (time.period)
  PfI d (n) Final period determined in paper I (Abate et al., 2015A&A...576A.118A) (except in tables a4 and a7) (time.period)
  chi2min  Minimum chi2 (
  nu  Number of degrees of freedom of the fit (meta.number)
  chi2/nu  (n) Reduced chi2R of the best fit (meta.note)
  all  Display data for all models (meta.ref.url)

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