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  HI data of blue compact dwarf galaxies (Huchtmeier+, 2005)
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1.J/A+A/434/887/table2Derived global parameters for our sample of galaxies (44 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification.
  Galaxy (char) Galaxy designation
  V(3Kbgd) km/s Optical heliocentric velocity reduced to the frame of the cosmic microwave background (using NED)
  Dist Mpc Distance (using H0=72km/s/Mpc) (Note 1)   
  Diam kpc Linear diameter, A0,i
  BMAG mag Absolute B magnitude Corrected for Galactic extinction and internal absorption (Note 2)   
  MHI 10+8solMassTotal HI mass
  Mass 10+8solMassTotal mass
  MHI/LB Sun HImass to B luminosity ratio
  Mass/LB Sun Total mass to B luminosity ratio
  MHI/Mass Sun HI to total mass ratio
  Comm (char) [c] Comments (Note 3)   

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