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  Abundances of distant luminous infrared galaxies (Liang+, 2004)
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1.J/A+A/423/867/table6*The extinction AV (Balmer and IR), SFR, flux blending factor, continuum colors, some important emission line ratios, oxygen abundance in ISM and spectral types from the diagnostic diagrams (Note) (41 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) Name (;meta.main)
  AVb mag (n) Extinction in V band, from Balmer decrement (phys.absorption)
  E_AVb mag (n) Error on AV (upper limit) (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_AVb mag (n) Error on AV (lower limit) (stat.error)
  SFRHa solMass/yr(n) Hα Star Formation Rate (phys.SFR;spect.line)
  E_SFRHa solMass/yr(n) Error on SFRHa (upper limit) (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_SFRHa solMass/yr(n) Error on SFRHa (lower limit) (stat.error)
  FB  Flux blending factor (Note 1)   (meta.code)
  AVir mag (n) Extinction in V band, from IR lines (phys.absorption)
  C4861/C3660  (n) C4861/C3660 continuum colours ratio (phot.flux;arith.ratio)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  log(O2/O3(5))  (n) [OII]3727/[OIII]5007 emission line ratio (phys.abund;arith.zp)
  e_log(O2/O3(5))  (n) rms uncertainty on log(O2/O3(5)) (stat.error)
  log(O2/Hb)  (n) [OII]3727/Hβ emission line ratio (spect.line.intensity;arith.ratio)
  e_log(O2/Hb)  (n) rms uncertainty on log(O2/Hb) (stat.error)
  log(O3/Hb)  (n) [OIII]4959+5007/Hβ emission line ratio (spect.line.intensity;arith.ratio)
  e_log(O3/Hb)  (n) rms uncertainty on log(O3/Hb) (stat.error)
  logR23  (n) Emission line ratio R23, ([OII]3727+[OIII]4959+[OIII]5007)/Hbeta (spect.line.intensity;arith.ratio)
  e_logR23  (n) rms uncertainty on logR23 (stat.error)
  logO32  (n) Emission line ratio O32, O32=([OIII]4959+[OIII]5007/[OII]3727) (meta.note)
  e_logO32  (n) rms uncertainty on logO32 (stat.error)
  12+log(O/H)  (n) Oxygen abundance in ISM (phys.abund)
  e_12+log(O/H)  (n) rms uncertainty on 12+log(O/H) (stat.error)
  n_12+log(O/H) (char) [L] Note on 12+log((O)/(H)) (Note 2)   (meta.note)
  Type (char) Type of galaxies from the diagnostic diagrams (Note 3)   (src.class)

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