
CfA VizieR . ADAC VizieR . Cambridge (UK) VizieR . IUCAA VizieR . INASAN VizieR .


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NB: The epoch used for the query is the original epoch of the table(s)Radius Box size

  Gaia DR3 Part 4. Variability (Gaia Collaboration, 2022)
acknowledge and cite Gaia DR3
Post annotation
1.I/358/scalerts(c)All Gaia Photometric Science Alerts triggered in the period 25-07-2014 to 28-05-2017, i.e. the time span covered by DR3 (science_alerts) (original column names in green) (2612 rows)
2.I/358/alertsms(c)Some photometric science alerts mix transits from their primary source and other sources in the catalogue (alertsmixedinsourceids) (original column names in green) (94 rows)
3.I/358/varisum(c)Information on where a source_id can be found in the different Variability tables and statistical parameters of time series, using only transits not rejected (11754237 sources) (vari_summary) (original column names in green) (11754237 rows)
4.I/358/vclassre(c)Variability classification results of all classifiers (variclassifierresult) (original column names in green) (9976881 rows)
5.I/358/vcclassd*Class definitions (variclassifierclass_definition) (original column names in green) (Note) (30 rows)
6.I/358/vagn(c)AGN properties (vari_agn) (original column names in green) (872228 rows)
7.I/358/vcep(c)Cepheid stars (vari_cepheid) (original column names in green) (15021 rows)
8.I/358/vcephCepheid stars, harmonics (vari_cepheid) (original column names in green) (48568 rows)
9.I/358/vcc(c)Compact companion candidates (varicompactcompanion) (original column names in green) (6306 rows)
10.I/358/veb(c)Properties of the eclipsing binaries resulting from the variability analysis (varieclipsingbinary) (original column names in green) (2184477 rows)
11.I/358/veprv(c)Epoch radial velocity data points for a sub-set of variable stars (variepochradial_velocity) (original column names in green) (43298 rows)
12.I/358/vrvstat(c)Statistical parameters of radial velocity time series, using only transits not rejected (variradvel_statistics) (original column names in green) (1898 rows)
13.I/358/vlpv(c)Long Period Variable stars (varilongperiod_variable) (original column names in green) (1720588 rows)
14.I/358/vmicro(c)Microlensing events (vari_microlensing) (original column names in green) (363 rows)
15.I/358/vmsosc(c)Main-sequence oscillators (varimsoscillator) (original column names in green) (54476 rows)
16.I/358/vrm(c)Solar-like stars with rotational modulation (varirotationmodulation) (original column names in green) (474026 rows)
17.I/358/vrmoSolar-like stars with rotational modulation, outliers (varirotationmodulation) (original column names in green) (3314869 rows)
18.I/358/vrmsSolar-like stars with rotational modulation, segments (varirotationmodulation) (original column names in green) (2461236 rows)
19.I/358/vpltrans(c)Planetary Transit candidate events, updated version 30-Mar-2023 (variplanetarytransit) (original column names in green) (214 rows)
20.I/358/vrrlyr(c)RR Lyrae stars (vari_rrlyrae) (original column names in green) (271779 rows)
21.I/358/vrrlyrhRR Lyrae stars, harmonics (vari_rrlyrae) (original column names in green) (1555116 rows)
22.I/358/vst(c)Short-timescale sources (varishorttimescale) (original column names in green) (471679 rows)

Standard Original
Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
ShowSort(Table#)Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  (1+3+4+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22)Source  Unique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release) (source_id) (;meta.main)
  (1+11)TransitID  Alerting transit identifier (transit_id) (
  (1)Name (char) Name of alert, GaiaNNaaa (name) (
  (1+2+4+6+7+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+19+20+22)SolID  Solution Identifier (solution_id) (meta.version)
  (1+2+3+4+6+7+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+19+20+22)RA_ICRS deg (n)(i) Right ascension (ICRS) at Ep=2016.0 (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  (1+2+3+4+6+7+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+19+20+22)DE_ICRS deg (n)(i) Declination (ICRS) at Ep=2016.0 (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (2)AlertID  Primary sourceId associated to the alert (alert_source_id) (;meta.main)
  (2)AlertID2  Additional sourceId (mixed_in_source_id) (
  (3)NG  Total number of G FOV transits selected for variability analysis (num_selected_g_fov) (meta.number)
  (3)TimeG d (i) Mean observation time for G FoV transits JD-2455197.5 (mean_obs_time_g_fov) (time.epoch;stat.mean)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)DurG d (n) Time duration of the time series for G FoV transits (time_duration_g_fov) (time.duration)
  (3)Gmagmin mag Minimum G FoV magnitude (min_mag_g_fov) (phot.mag;stat.min)
  (3)Gmagmax mag Maximum G FoV magnitude (max_mag_g_fov) (phot.mag;stat.max)
  (3)Gmagmean mag Mean G FoV magnitude (mean_mag_g_fov) (phot.mag;stat.mean)
  (3)Gmagmed mag Median G FoV magnitude (median_mag_g_fov) (phot.mag;stat.median)
  (3)dGmag mag (n) Difference between the highest and lowest G FoV magnitudes (range_mag_g_fov) (phot.mag;em.opt;arith.diff)
  (3)tdGmag mag (n) Trimmed difference between the highest and lowest G FoV magnitudes (trimmed_range_mag_g_fov) (phot.mag;em.opt;arith.diff)
  (3)s_Gmagmean mag (n) Square root of the unweighted G FoV magnitude variance (std_dev_mag_g_fov) (stat.stdev;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (3)GmagSkew  (n) Standardized unweighted G FoV magnitude skewness (skewness_mag_g_fov) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (3)GmagKur  (n) Standardized unweighted G FoV magnitude kurtosis (kurtosis_mag_g_fov) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (3)GmagMAD mag Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) for G FoV transits (mad_mag_g_fov) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (3)GmagAbbe  (n) Abbe value for G FoV transits (abbe_mag_g_fov) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (3)iqrGmag mag Interquartile range for G FoV transits (iqr_mag_g_fov) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)GmagStet  (n) Stetson G FoV variability index (stetson_mag_g_fov) (src.var.index)
  (3)GmagS/N  (n) Signal-to-Noise G FoV estimate (std_dev_over_rms_err_mag_g_fov) (stat.snr)
  (3)RGmag  Greatest absolute deviation from the G FoV median normalized by the error (outlier_median_g_fov) (
  (3)NBP  (n) Total number of BP observations selected for variability analysis (num_selected_bp) (meta.number)
  (3)TimeBP d (n) Mean observation time for BP observations JD-2455197.5 (mean_obs_time_bp) (time.epoch;stat.mean)
  (3)DurBP d (n) Time duration of the BP time series (time_duration_bp) (time.duration)
  (3)BPmagmin mag (n) Minimum BP magnitude (min_mag_bp) (phot.mag;stat.min)
  (3)BPmagmax mag (n) Maximum BP magnitude (max_mag_bp) (phot.mag;stat.max)
  (3)BPmagmean mag (n) Mean BP magnitude (mean_mag_bp) (phot.mag;stat.mean)
  (3)BPmagmed mag (n) Median BP magnitude (median_mag_bp) (phot.mag;stat.median)
  (3)dBPmag mag (n) Difference between the highest and lowest BP magnitudes (range_mag_bp) (phot.mag;em.opt.B;arith.diff)
  (3)tdBPmag mag (n) Trimmed difference between the highest and lowest BP magnitudes (trimmed_range_mag_bp) (phot.mag;em.opt.B;arith.diff)
  (3)s_BPmag mag (n) Square root of the unweighted BP magnitude variance (std_dev_mag_bp) (stat.stdev;phot.mag;em.opt.B)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)BPmagSkew  (n) Standardized unweighted BP magnitude skewness (skewness_mag_bp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (3)BPmagKur  (n) Standardized unweighted BP magnitude kurtosis (kurtosis_mag_bp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (3)BPmagMAD mag (n) Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) for BP observations (mad_mag_bp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (3)BPmagAbbe  (n) Abbe value for BP observations (abbe_mag_bp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (3)iqrBPmag mag (n) Interquartile BP magnitude range (iqr_mag_bp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (3)BPmagStet  (n) Stetson BP variability index (stetson_mag_bp) (src.var.index)
  (3)BPmagS/N  (n) Signal-to-Noise BP estimate (std_dev_over_rms_err_mag_bp) (stat.snr)
  (3)RBPmag  (n) Greatest absolute deviation from the BP median normalized by the error (outlier_median_bp) (
  (3)NRP  (n) Total number of RP observations selected for variability analysis (num_selected_rp) (meta.number)
  (3)TimeRP d (n) Mean observation time for RP observations JD-2455197.5 (mean_obs_time_rp) (time.epoch;stat.mean)
  (3)DurRP d (n) Time duration of the RP time series (time_duration_rp) (time.duration)
  (3)RPmagmin mag (n) Minimum RP magnitude (min_mag_rp) (phot.mag;stat.min)
  (3)RPmagmax mag (n) Maximum RP magnitude (max_mag_rp) (phot.mag;stat.max)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)RPmagmean mag (n) Mean RP magnitude (mean_mag_rp) (phot.mag;stat.mean)
  (3)RPmagmed mag (n) Median RP magnitude (median_mag_rp) (phot.mag;stat.median)
  (3)dRPmag mag (n) Difference between the highest and lowest RP magnitudes (range_mag_rp) (phot.mag;em.opt.R;arith.diff)
  (3)tdRPmag mag (n) Trimmed difference between the highest and lowest RP magnitudes (trimmed_range_mag_rp) (phot.mag;em.opt.R;arith.diff)
  (3)s_RPmag mag (n) Square root of the unweighted RP magnitude variance (std_dev_mag_rp) (stat.stdev;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (3)RPmagSkew  (n) Standardized unweighted RP magnitude skewness (skewness_mag_rp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (3)RPmagKur  (n) Standardized unweighted RP magnitude kurtosis (kurtosis_mag_rp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (3)RPmagMAD mag (n) Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) for RP observations (mad_mag_rp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (3)RPmagAbbe  (n) Abbe value for RP observations (abbe_mag_rp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (3)iqrRPmag mag (n) Interquartile RP magnitude range (iqr_mag_rp) (stat.value;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (3)RPmagStet  (n) Stetson RP variability index (stetson_mag_rp) (src.var.index)
  (3)RPmagS/N  (n) Signal-to-Noise RP estimate (std_dev_over_rms_err_mag_rp) (stat.snr)
  (3)RRPmag  (n) Greatest absolute deviation from the RP median normalized by the error (outlier_median_rp) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)VCR   [0/1] Source is present in vclassre.dat file (in_vari_classification_result) (meta.record)
  (3)VRRLyr   [0/1] Source is present in vrrlyr.dat file (in_vari_rrlyrae) (meta.record)
  (3)VCep   [0/1] Source is present in vceph.dat file (in_vari_cepheid) (meta.record)
  (3)VPN   [0/1] Source is present in vpltrans.dat file (in_vari_planetary_transit) (meta.record)
  (3)VST   [0/1] Source is present in vst.dat file (in_vari_short_timescale) (meta.record)
  (3)VLPV   [0/1] Source is present in vlpv.dat file (in_vari_long_period_variable) (meta.record)
  (3)VEB   [0/1] Source is present in veb.dat file (in_vari_eclipsing_binary) (meta.record)
  (3)VRM   [0/1] Source is present in vrmo.dat file (in_vari_rotation_modulation) (meta.record)
  (3)VMSO   [0/1] Source is present in vmsosc.dat file (in_vari_ms_oscillator) (meta.record)
  (3)VAGN   [0/1] Source is present in vagn.dat file (in_vari_agn) (meta.record)
  (3)Vmicro   [0/1] Source is present in vmicro.dat file (in_vari_microlensing) (meta.record)
  (3)VCC   [0/1] Source is present in vcc.dat file (in_vari_compact_companion) (meta.record)
  (4)Classifier (char) [nTransits:5+] Classifier name used to produce this result (classifier_name) (meta.title)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (4+5+7+20)Class (char) Name of best class (in vcclassd.dat table) (best_class_name) (meta.code.class)
  (4)ClassSc  Score of the best class (best_class_score) (meta.code.qual)
  (5)Note (char) Description of the class (meta.note)
  (6)fvarG  Fractional variability in the G band (fractional_variability_g) (src.var)
  (6)SFIndex  Index of the first-order structure function in the G band (structure_function_index) (stat.param)
  (6)s_SFIndex  Standard deviation of the index of the structure function (structure_function_index_scatter) (stat.param)
  (6)QSOVar  Quasar variability metric in the G band (qso_variability) (src.var)
  (6)NonQSOVar  Non-quasar variability metric in the G band (non_qso_variability) (src.var)
  (7+20)Harm (char) Display the harmonics (meta.ref.url)
  (7+20)PF d (n) Period corresponding to the fundamental pulsation mode in the G band time series (pf) (src.var;time.period)
  (7+20)e_PF d (n) Uncertainty of the pf period (pf_error) (stat.error;time.period)
  (7+20)P1O d (n) Period corresponding to the first overtone pulsation mode in the G band time series (p1_o) (src.var;time.period)
  (7+20)e_P1O d (n) Uncertainty of the p1O period (p1_o_error) (stat.error;time.period)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (7+20)EpochG d (i) Epoch of the maximum of the light curve in the G band (epoch_g) (time.epoch;stat.max)
  (7+20)e_EpochG d Uncertainty on the epoch parameter EpochG (epoch_g_error) (stat.error;time.epoch)
  (7+20)EpochBP d (n) Epoch of the maximum of the light curve in the BP band (epoch_bp) (time.epoch;stat.max)
  (7+20)e_EpochBP d (n) Uncertainty on the epoch parameter EpochBp (epoch_bp_error) (stat.error;time.epoch)
  (7+20)EpochRP d (n) Epoch of the maximum of the light curve in the RP band (epoch_rp) (time.epoch;stat.max)
  (7+20)e_EpochRP d (n) Uncertainty on the epoch parameter EpochRp (epoch_rp_error) (stat.error;time.epoch)
  (7+20)EpochRV d (n) Epoch of the minimum of the radial velocity curve (epoch_rv) (time.epoch;stat.max)
  (7+20)e_EpochRV d (n) Uncertainty on the epoch parameter EpochRV (epoch_rv_error) (stat.error;time.epoch)
  (7+20)Gmagavg mag Intensity-averaged magnitude in the G band (int_average_g) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  (7+20)e_Gmagavg mag Uncertainty on intAverageG parameter (int_average_g_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (7+20)BPmagavg mag (n) Intensity-averaged magnitude in the BP band (int_average_bp) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (7+20)e_BPmagavg mag (n) Uncertainty on intAverageBp parameter (int_average_bp_error) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (7+20)RPmagavg mag (n) Intensity-averaged magnitude in the RP band (int_average_rp) (stat.error;phot.mag)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (7+20)e_RPmagavg mag (n) Uncertainty on intAverageRp parameter (int_average_rp_error) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (7+20)RVavg km/s (n) Mean radial velocity (average_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc;stat.mean)
  (7+20)e_RVavg km/s (n) Uncertainty on averageRv parameter (average_rv_error) (stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc;stat.mean)
  (7+20)ptpG mag Peak-to-peak amplitude of the G band light curve (peak_to_peak_g) (src.var.amplitude;em.opt)
  (7+20)e_ptpG mag Uncertainty on the peakToPeakG parameter (peak_to_peak_g_error) (stat.error;src.var.amplitude;em.opt)
  (7+20)ptpBP mag (n) Peak-to-peak amplitude of the BP band light curve (peak_to_peak_bp) (src.var.amplitude;em.opt)
  (7+20)e_ptpBP mag (n) Uncertainty on the peakToPeakBp parameter (peak_to_peak_bp_error) (stat.error;src.var.amplitude;em.opt)
  (7+20)ptpRP mag (n) Peak-to-peak amplitude of the RP band light curve (peak_to_peak_rp) (src.var.amplitude;em.opt)
  (7+20)e_ptpRP mag (n) Uncertainty on the peakToPeakRp parameter (peak_to_peak_rp_error) (stat.error;src.var.amplitude;em.opt)
  (7+20)ptpRV km/s (n) Peak-to-peak amplitude of the radial velocity curve (peak_to_peak_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc;stat.param)
  (7+20)e_ptpRV km/s (n) Uncertainty on the peakToPeakRv parameter (peak_to_peak_rv_error) (stat.error)
  (7+20)[M/H] [-] (n) Metallicity of the star from the Fourier parameters of the light curve (metallicity) (phys.abund.Z)
  (7+20)e_[M/H] [-] (n) Uncertainty of the metallicity parameter (metallicity_error) (stat.error;phys.abund.Z)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (7+20)R21G  (n) Fourier decomposition parameter r21G: A2/A1 (for G band) (r21_g) (stat.Fourier)
  (7+20)e_R21G  (n) Uncertainty on the r21G parameter: A2/A1 (for G band) (r21_g_error) (stat.error)
  (7+20)R31G  (n) Fourier decomposition parameter r31G: A3/A1 (for G band) (r31_g) (stat.Fourier)
  (7+20)e_R31G  (n) Uncertainty on the r31G parameter: A3/A1 (for G band) (r31_g_error) (stat.error)
  (7+20)phi21G rad (n) Fourier decomposition parameter phi21G: phi2-2*phi1 (for G band) (phi21_g) (stat.Fourier)
  (7+20)e_phi21G rad (n) Uncertainty on the phi21G parameter: phi2-2*phi1 (for G band) (phi21_g_error) (stat.error)
  (7+20)phi31G rad (n) Fourier decomposition parameter phi31G: phi3-3*phi1 (for G band) (phi31_g) (stat.Fourier)
  (7+20)e_phi31G rad (n) Uncertainty on the phi31G parameter: phi3-3*phi1 (for G band) (phi31_g_error) (stat.error)
  (7+20)NclEpG  Number of G FoV epochs used in the fitting algorithm (num_clean_epochs_g) (meta.number)
  (7+20)NclEpBP  Number of BP epochs used in the fitting algorithm (num_clean_epochs_bp) (meta.number)
  (7+20)NclEpRP  Number of RP epochs used in the fitting algorithm (num_clean_epochs_rp) (meta.number)
  (7+20)NclEpRV  (n) Number of radial velocity epochs used in the fitting algorithm (num_clean_epochs_rv) (meta.number)
  (7+20)zpmagG mag Zero point (mag) of the final model of the G band light curve (zp_mag_g) (phot.calib;em.opt)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (7+20)zpmagBP mag (n) Zero point (mag) of the final model of the BP band light curve (zp_mag_bp) (phot.calib;em.opt.B)
  (7+20)zpmagRP mag (n) Zero point (mag) of the final model of the RP band light curve (zp_mag_rp) (phot.calib;em.opt.R)
  (7+20)NHP1G   [1/13] Number of harmonics used to model the first periodicity of the G-band light curve (num_harmonics_for_p1_g) (meta.number)
  (7+20)NHP1BP   [1/20] Number of harmonics used to model the first periodicity of the BP-band light curve (num_harmonics_for_p1_bp) (meta.number)
  (7+20)NHP1RP   [1/20] Number of harmonics used to model the first periodicity of the RP-band light curve (num_harmonics_for_p1_rp) (meta.number)
  (7+20)NHP1RV  (n) [0/7] Number of harmonics used to model the first periodicity of the radial velocity curve (num_harmonics_for_p1_rv) (meta.number)
  (7+20)TimeRefG d Reference time of the Fourier modelled G-band light curve, JD-2455197.5 (reference_time_g) (time.epoch)
  (7+20)TimeRefBP d (n) Reference time of the Fourier modelled BP-band light curve, JD-2455197.5 (reference_time_bp) (time.epoch)
  (7+20)TimeRefRP d (n) Reference time of the Fourier modelled RP-band light curve , JD-2455197.5 (reference_time_rp) (time.epoch)
  (7+20)TimeRefRV d (n) Reference time of the Fourier modelled radial velocity curve, JD-2455197.5 (reference_time_rv) (time.epoch)
  (7+20)FundFreq1 d-1 First frequency of the non-linear Fourier modelling (fund_freq1) (stat.Fourier)
  (7+20)e_FundFreq1 d-1 Error of the first frequency of the non-linear Fourier modelling (fund_freq1_error) (stat.error;stat.Fourier)
  (7+20)FundFreq2 d-1 (n) Second frequency of the non-linear Fourier modelling in the G band (fund_freq2) (stat.Fourier)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (7+20)e_FundFreq2 d-1 (n) Error of the second frequency of the non-linear Fourier modelling in the G band (fund_freq2_error) (stat.error;stat.Fourier)
  (7)P2O d (n) Period corresponding to the second overtone pulsation mode (for multi mode pulsators) in the G band time series (p2_o) (src.var;time.period)
  (7)e_P2O d (n) Uncertainty of the p2O period (p2_o_error) (stat.error;time.period)
  (7)SubClass (char) Best subclassification estimate (type2_best_sub_classification) (Note 2)   (meta.code.class;src.class)
  (7)ModeClass (char) Best mode classification estimate (mode_best_classification) (Note 3)   (meta.code.class;src.class)
  (7)MulModeClass (char) Best multi mode DCEP classification (multi_mode_best_classification) (Note 4)   (meta.code.class;src.class)
  (8+21)AmpFundFreq1G mag (n) Amplitude of the Fourier model for the first frequency in the G band (fund_freq1_harmonic_ampl_g) (src.var.amplitude)
  (8+21)e_AmpFundFreq1G mag (n) Error of the amplitude of the Fourier model for first frequency in G band (fund_freq1_harmonic_ampl_g_error) (stat.error;src.var.amplitude)
  (8+21)PhaseFundFreq1G rad Phase of the Fourier model for the first frequency in the G band (fund_freq1_harmonic_phase_g) (stat.Fourier)
  (8+21)e_PhaseFundFreq1G rad (n) Error of the phases of the Fourier model for first frequency in G band (fund_freq1_harmonic_phase_g_error) (stat.error;stat.Fourier)
  (8+21)AmpFundFreq1BP mag (n) Amplitude of the Fourier model for the first frequency in the BP band (fund_freq1_harmonic_ampl_bp) (src.var.amplitude)
  (8+21)e_AmpFundFreq1BP mag (n) Error of the amplitude of the Fourier model for first frequency in BP band (fund_freq1_harmonic_ampl_bp_error) (stat.error;src.var.amplitude)
  (8+21)PhaseFundFreq1BP rad (n) Phase of the Fourier model for the first frequency in the BP band (fund_freq1_harmonic_phase_bp) (stat.Fourier)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (8+21)e_PhaseFundFreq1BP rad (n) Error of the phases of the Fourier model for first frequency in BP band (fund_freq1_harmonic_phase_bp_error) (stat.error;stat.Fourier)
  (8+21)AmpFundFreq1RP mag (n) Amplitude of the Fourier model for the first frequency in the RP band (fund_freq1_harmonic_ampl_rp) (src.var.amplitude)
  (8+21)e_AmpFundFreq1RP mag (n) Error of the amplitude of the Fourier model for first frequency in RP band (fund_freq1_harmonic_ampl_rp_error) (stat.error;src.var.amplitude)
  (8+21)PhaseFundFreq1RP rad (n) Phase of the Fourier model for the first frequency in the RP band (fund_freq1_harmonic_phase_rp) (stat.Fourier)
  (8+21)e_PhaseFundFreq1RP rad (n) Error of the phases of the Fourier model for first frequency in RP band (fund_freq1_harmonic_phase_rp_error) (stat.error;stat.Fourier)
  (8+21)AmpFundFreq1RV km/s (n) Amplitude of the Fourier model for the first frequency of the radial velocity curve (fund_freq1_harmonic_ampl_rv) (src.var.amplitude)
  (8+21)e_AmpFundFreq1RV km/s (n) Error of the amplitude of the Fourier model for the first frequency of the radial velocity curve (fund_freq1_harmonic_ampl_rv_error) (stat.error;src.var.amplitude)
  (8+21)PhaseFundFreq1RV rad (n) Phase of the Fourier model for the first frequency of the radial velocity curve (fund_freq1_harmonic_phase_rv) (stat.Fourier)
  (8+21)e_PhaseFundFreq1RV rad (n) Error of the phases of the Fourier model for the first frequency of the radial velocity curve (fund_freq1_harmonic_phase_rv_error) (stat.error;stat.Fourier)
  (9)Per d Orbital period (period) (time.period)
  (9)e_Per d Orbital period error (period_error) (stat.error;time.period)
  (9)T0G d G-band reference time (t0_g) (time.epoch)
  (9)e_T0G d G-band reference time error (t0_g_error) (stat.error;time.epoch)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (9)T0BP d (n) BP-band reference time (t0_bp) (time.epoch)
  (9)e_T0BP d (n) BP-band reference time error (t0_bp_error) (stat.error;time.epoch)
  (9)T0RP d (n) RP-band reference time (t0_rp) (time.epoch)
  (9)e_T0RP d (n) RP-band reference time error (t0_rp_error) (stat.error;time.epoch)
  (9)HG0  Harmonic model parameter G-band 0 (harmonicmodelparams_g[0]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HG1  Harmonic model parameter G-band 1 (harmonicmodelparams_g[1]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HG2  Harmonic model parameter G-band 2 (harmonicmodelparams_g[2]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HG3  Harmonic model parameter G-band 3 (harmonicmodelparams_g[3]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HG4  Harmonic model parameter G-band 4 (harmonicmodelparams_g[4]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HG5  Harmonic model parameter G-band 5 (harmonicmodelparams_g[5]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HG0  Harmonic model parameter G-band error 0 (harmonicmodelparamsgerror[0]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HG1  Harmonic model parameter G-band error 1 (harmonicmodelparamsgerror[1]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HG2  Harmonic model parameter G-band error 2 (harmonicmodelparamsgerror[2]) (stat.Fourier)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (9)e_HG3  Harmonic model parameter G-band error 3 (harmonicmodelparamsgerror[3]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HG4  Harmonic model parameter G-band error 4 (harmonicmodelparamsgerror[4]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HG5  Harmonic model parameter G-band error 5 (harmonicmodelparamsgerror[5]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HBP0  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band 0 (harmonicmodelparams_bp[0]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HBP1  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band 1 (harmonicmodelparams_bp[1]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HBP2  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band 2 (harmonicmodelparams_bp[2]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HBP3  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band 3 (harmonicmodelparams_bp[3]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HBP4  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band 4 (harmonicmodelparams_bp[4]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HBP5  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band 5 (harmonicmodelparams_bp[5]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HBP0  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band error 0 (harmonicmodelparamsbperror[0]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HBP1  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band error 1 (harmonicmodelparamsbperror[1]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HBP2  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band error 2 (harmonicmodelparamsbperror[2]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HBP3  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band error 3 (harmonicmodelparamsbperror[3]) (stat.Fourier)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (9)e_HBP4  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band error 4 (harmonicmodelparamsbperror[4]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HBP5  (n) Harmonic model parameter BP band error 5 (harmonicmodelparamsbperror[5]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HRP0  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band 0 (harmonicmodelparams_rp[0]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HRP1  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band 1 (harmonicmodelparams_rp[1]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HRP2  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band 2 (harmonicmodelparams_rp[2]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HRP3  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band 3 (harmonicmodelparams_rp[3]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HRP4  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band 4 (harmonicmodelparams_rp[4]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)HRP5  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band 5 (harmonicmodelparams_rp[5]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HRP0  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band error 0 (harmonicmodelparamsrperror[0]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HRP1  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band error 1 (harmonicmodelparamsrperror[1]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HRP2  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band error 2 (harmonicmodelparamsrperror[2]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HRP3  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band error 3 (harmonicmodelparamsrperror[3]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)e_HRP4  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band error 4 (harmonicmodelparamsrperror[4]) (stat.Fourier)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (9)e_HRP5  (n) Harmonic model parameter RP band error 5 (harmonicmodelparamsrperror[5]) (stat.Fourier)
  (9)Gmodmean mag Harmonics model mean G-band magnitude (model_mean_g) (phot.mag;stat.mean)
  (9)e_Gmodmean mag Harmonics model mean G-band magnitude error (model_mean_g_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;stat.mean)
  (9)BPmodmean mag (n) Harmonics model mean BP-band magnitude (model_mean_bp) (phot.mag;stat.mean)
  (9)e_BPmodmean mag (n) Harmonics model mean BP-band magnitude error (model_mean_bp_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;stat.mean)
  (9)RPmodmean mag (n) Harmonics model mean RP-band magnitude (model_mean_rp) (phot.mag;stat.mean)
  (9)e_RPmodmean mag (n) Harmonics model mean RP-band magnitude error (model_mean_rp_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;stat.mean)
  (9)Mratiomin  Modified minimum mass ratio (mod_min_mass_ratio) (phys.mass;arith.ratio)
  (9)e_Mratiomin  15.9 percentile modified minimum mass ratio (mod_min_mass_ratio_one_sigma) (stat.error;phys.mass;arith.ratio)
  (9)E_Mratiomin  0.135 percentile modified minimum mass ratio (mod_min_mass_ratio_three_sigma) (stat.error;phys.mass;arith.ratio)
  (9)alpha  alpha ellipsoidal coefficient (alpha) (
  (10)Rank   [0/1] Number between 0 (worst) and 1 (best) (global_ranking) (stat.error)
  (10)TimeRef d (i) Reference time used for the geometric model fit, JD-2455197.5 (reference_time) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (10+13+22)Freq d-1 Frequency of geometric model of the eclipsing binary light curve (frequency) (src.orbital)
  (10+13)e_Freq d-1 Uncertainty of frequency (frequency_error) (stat.error;src.orbital)
  (10)magModRef mag Magnitude reference level of geometric model (geom_model_reference_level) (stat.error)
  (10)e_magModRef mag Uncertainty of geom Model Reference Level (geom_model_reference_level_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (10)PhaseGauss1  (n) Phase of the Gaussian 1 component (geom_model_gaussian1_phase) (stat.error)
  (10)e_PhaseGauss1  (n) Uncertainty of geom Model Gaussian1 Phase (geom_model_gaussian1_phase_error) (stat.error;time.phase)
  (10)sigPhaseGauss1  (n) Standard deviation [phase] of Gaussian 1 component (geom_model_gaussian1_sigma) (stat.error)
  (10)e_sigPhaseGauss1  (n) Uncertainty of geom Model Gaussian1 Sigma (geom_model_gaussian1_sigma_error) (stat.error)
  (10)DepthGauss1 mag (n) Magnitude depth of Gaussian 1 component (geom_model_gaussian1_depth) (src.var.amplitude)
  (10)e_DepthGauss1 mag (n) Uncertainty of geom Model Gaussian1 Depth (geom_model_gaussian1_depth_error) (stat.error)
  (10)PhaseGauss2  (n) Phase of Gaussian 2 component (geom_model_gaussian2_phase) (stat.error)
  (10)e_PhaseGauss2  (n) Uncertainty of geom Model Gaussian2 Phase (geom_model_gaussian2_phase_error) (stat.error;time.phase)
  (10)sigPhaseGauss2  (n) Standard deviation [phase] of Gaussian 2 component (geom_model_gaussian2_sigma) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (10)e_sigPhaseGauss2  (n) Uncertainty of geom Model Gaussian2 Sigma (geom_model_gaussian2_sigma_error) (stat.error)
  (10)DepthGauss2 mag (n) Magnitude depth of Gaussian2 component (geom_model_gaussian2_depth) (src.var.amplitude)
  (10)e_DepthGauss2 mag (n) Uncertainty of geom Model Gaussian2 Depth (geom_model_gaussian2_depth_error) (stat.error)
  (10)AmpCHP mag (n) Amplitude of the cosine component with half the period of the geometric model (geom_model_cosine_half_period_amplitude) (src.var.amplitude)
  (10)e_AmpCHP mag (n) Uncertainty of geom Model Cosine Half Period Amplitude (geom_model_cosine_half_period_amplitude_error) (stat.error)
  (10)PhaseCHP  (n) Reference phase of the cosine component with half the period of the geometric model (geom_model_cosine_half_period_phase) (stat.error)
  (10)e_PhaseCHP  (n) Uncertainty of geom Model Cosine Half Period Phase (geom_model_cosine_half_period_phase_error) (stat.error;time.phase)
  (10)ModelType (char) Type of geometrical model of the light curve (model_type) (Note 1)   (meta.code.class)
  (10)Nparam   [4/9] Number of free parameters of the geometric model (num_model_parameters) (
  (10)rchi2  Reduced Chi2 of the geometrical model fit (reduced_chi2) (
  (10)PhaseE1  (n) Primary eclipse: phase at geometrically deepest point (derived_primary_ecl_phase) (stat.error)
  (10)e_PhaseE1  (n) Primary eclipse: uncertainty of derived Primary Ecl Phase (derived_primary_ecl_phase_error) (stat.error;time.phase)
  (10)DurE1  (n) Primary eclipse: duration [phase fraction] (derived_primary_ecl_duration) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (10)e_DurE1  (n) Primary eclipse: uncertainty of derived Primary Ecl Duration (derived_primary_ecl_duration_error) (stat.error)
  (10)DepthE1 mag (n) Primary eclipse: depth (derived_primary_ecl_depth) (src.var.amplitude)
  (10)e_DepthE1 mag (n) Primary eclipse: uncertainty of derived Primary Ecl Depth (derived_primary_ecl_depth_error) (stat.error)
  (10)PhaseE2  (n) Secondary eclipse: phase at geometrically second deepest point (derived_secondary_ecl_phase) (stat.error)
  (10)e_PhaseE2  (n) Secondary eclipse: uncertainty of derived Secondary Ecl Phase (derived_secondary_ecl_phase_error) (stat.error;time.phase)
  (10)DurE2  (n) Secondary eclipse: duration [phase fraction] (derived_secondary_ecl_duration) (stat.error)
  (10)e_DurE2  (n) Secondary eclipse: uncertainty of derived Secondary Ecl Duration (derived_secondary_ecl_duration_error) (stat.error)
  (10)DepthE2 mag (n) Secondary eclipse: depth (derived_secondary_ecl_depth) (src.var.amplitude)
  (10)e_DepthE2 mag (n) Secondary eclipse: uncertainty of derived Secondary Ecl Depth (derived_secondary_ecl_depth_error) (stat.error)
  (11+12)TimeRV d (i) Observing time of the transit, JD-2455197.5 (rv_obs_time) (time.epoch)
  (11)RV km/s Barycentric radial velocity (radial_velocity) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt)
  (11)e_RV km/s Barycentric radial velocity error (radial_velocity_error) (stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt)
  (11)Reject   [0/1] Rejected by DPAC variability processing (or variability analysis) (rejected_by_variability) (meta.code.status)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (12)NRV  Total number of radial velocity transits selected for variability analysis (num_selected_rv) (meta.number)
  (12)DurRV d Time duration of the time series for radial velocity transits (time_duration_rv) (time.duration)
  (12)RVmin km/s Minimum radial velocity (min_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;stat.min)
  (12)RVmax km/s Maximum radial velocity (max_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;stat.max)
  (12)RVmean km/s Mean radial velocity (mean_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;stat.mean)
  (12)RVmed km/s Median radial velocity (median_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;stat.median)
  (12)RangeRV km/s Difference between the highest and lowest radial velocity transits (range_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;arith.diff)
  (12)s_RV km/s Square root of the unweighted radial velocity variance (std_dev_rv) (stat.stdev;spect.dopplerVeloc.opt)
  (12)RVSkew  Standardized unweighted radial velocity skewness (skewness_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;stat.param)
  (12)RVKur  Standardized unweighted radial velocity kurtosis (kurtosis_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;stat.param)
  (12)RVMAD km/s Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) for radial velocity transits (mad_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;stat.param)
  (12)RVAbbe  Abbe value for radial velocity transits (abbe_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;stat.param)
  (12)iqrRV km/s Interquartile range for radial velocity transits (iqr_rv) (spect.dopplerVeloc.opt;stat.param)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (13)Amp mag (n) Amplitude of the LPV variability (amplitude) (src.var.amplitude)
  (13)mdwlrp  (n) Median of the pseudo-wavelength separations between the two highest peaks in RP spectra (median_delta_wl_rp) (em.wl;stat.median)
  (13)isCstar  (n) [0/1] Flag to mark C-stars (is_cstar) (meta.code.class)
  (14)GmagP0 mag G-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (paczynski0_g0) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  (14)e_GmagP0 mag Error of G-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (paczynski0_g0_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (14)BPmagP0 mag (n) BP-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (paczynski0_bp0) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (14)e_BPmagP0 mag (n) Error of BP-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (paczynski0_bp0_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (14)RPmagP0 mag (n) RP-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (paczynski0_rp0) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (14)e_RPmagP0 mag (n) Error of RP-band magnitude baseline (level 0) (paczynski0_rp0_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (14)u0P0  Impact parameter (level 0) (paczynski0_u0) (stat.param)
  (14)e_u0P0  Error of the impact parameter (level 0) (paczynski0_u0_error) (stat.error)
  (14)teP0 d Event timescale (level 0) (paczynski0_te) (time.epoch)
  (14)e_teP0 d Error of event timescale (level 0) (paczynski0_te_error) (stat.error;time.epoch)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (14)TmaxP0 d Time of maximum amplification (level 0), JD-2455197.5 (paczynski0_tmax) (time;stat.max)
  (14)e_TmaxP0 d Error of time of maximum amplification (level 0) (paczynski0_tmax_error) (stat.error;time)
  (14)chi2P0  Chi square of level 0 Paczynski fit (paczynski0_chi2) (
  (14)DOFP0  Reduced chi square of level 0 Paczynski fit (paczynski0_chi2_dof) (
  (14)GmagP1 mag G-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (paczynski1_g0) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  (14)e_GmagP1 mag Error of G-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (paczynski1_g0_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (14)BPmagP1 mag (n) BP-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (paczynski1_bp0) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (14)e_BPmagP1 mag (n) Error of BP-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (paczynski1_bp0_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (14)RPmagP2 mag (n) RP-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (paczynski1_rp0) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (14)e_RPmagP2 mag (n) Error of RP-band magnitude baseline (level 1) (paczynski1_rp0_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (14)u0P1  Impact parameter (level 1) (paczynski1_u0) (stat.param)
  (14)e_u0P1  Error of the impact parameter (level 1) (paczynski1_u0_error) (stat.error)
  (14)teP1 d Event timescale (level 1) (paczynski1_te) (time.epoch)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (14)e_teP1 d Error of event timescale (level 1) (paczynski1_te_error) (stat.error;time.epoch)
  (14)TmaxP1 d Time of maximum amplification (level 1), JD-2455197.5 (paczynski1_tmax) (time;stat.max)
  (14)e_TmaxP1 d Error of time of maximum amplification (level 1) (paczynski1_tmax_error) (stat.error;time)
  (14)BlfGP1  Blending factor in G-band (level 1) (paczynski1_fs_g) (stat.param)
  (14)e_BlfGP1  Error of blending factor in G-band (level 1) (paczynski1_fs_g_error) (stat.error)
  (14)BlfBPP1  (n) Blending factor in BP-band (level 1) (paczynski1_fs_bp) (stat.param)
  (14)e_BlfBPP1  (n) Error of blending factor in BP-band (level 1) (paczynski1_fs_bp_error) (stat.error)
  (14)BlfRPP1  (n) Blending factor in RP-band (level 1) (paczynski1_fs_rp) (stat.param)
  (14)e_BlfRPP1  (n) Error of blending factor in RP-band (level 1) (paczynski1_fs_rp_error) (stat.error)
  (14)chi2P1  Chi square of level 1 Paczynski fit (paczynski1_chi2) (
  (14)DOFP1  Reduced chi square of level 1 Paczynski fit (paczynski1_chi2_dof) (
  (15)Freq1 /d Best frequency (frequency1) (src.var.pulse)
  (15)fapGFreq1  False alarm probability corresponding to the best frequency (fap_g_freq1) (stat.probability)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (15)AmpGFreq1 mag Half peak-to-peak amplitude in the G band of the best frequency (amplitude_g_freq1) (src.var.amplitude)
  (15)PhaseGFreq1 rad Phase of the oscillation in the G band corresponding to best frequency (phase_g_freq1) (time.phase)
  (15)NH   [1/8] Number of significant harmonics of the best frequency (num_harmonics) (meta.number)
  (15)AmpGFreq1H2 mag (n) Half peak-to-peak amplitude in the G band of the second harmonic of the best frequency (amplitude_g_freq1_harm2) (stat.Fourier.amplitude)
  (15)PhaseGFreq1H2 rad (n) Phase of the oscillation in the G band corresponding to the second harmonic of the best frequency (phase_g_freq1_harm2) (time.phase)
  (15)AmpGFreq1H3 mag (n) Half peak-to-peak amplitude in the G band of the third harmonic of the best frequency (amplitude_g_freq1_harm3) (stat.Fourier.amplitude)
  (15)PhaseGFreq1H3 rad (n) Phase of the oscillation in the G band corresponding to the third harmonic of the best frequency (phase_g_freq1_harm3) (time.phase)
  (16)NSeg   [2/18] Number of segments (num_segments) (meta.number)
  (16)NOut   [0/53] Number of outliers (num_outliers) (meta.number)
  (16)Prot d Best rotation period (best_rotation_period) (phys.veloc.rotat;time.period)
  (16)e_Prot d Error on best rotation period (best_rotation_period_error) (stat.error;phys.veloc.rotat;time.period)
  (16)Gunsp mag Unspotted G mag (g_unspotted) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  (16)e_Gunsp mag Unspotted G mag uncertainty (g_unspotted_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (16)BPunsp mag (n) Unspotted BP mag (bp_unspotted) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (16)e_BPunsp mag (n) Unspotted BP mag uncertainty (bp_unspotted_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (16)RPunsp mag (n) Unspotted RP mag (rp_unspotted) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (16)e_RPunsp mag (n) Unspotted RP mag uncertainty (rp_unspotted_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (16)AIGmax mag The maximum Activity Index in the G band (max_activity_index_g) (src.var.amplitude)
  (16)e_AIGmax mag Error on maximum activity index in the G band (max_activity_index_g_error) (stat.error;src.var.amplitude)
  (17)TimeO d (i) Time at which outliers occurs, JD-2455197.5 (outliers_time) (meta.dataset;time)
  (18)STimeS d (i) Time at which segments start, JD-2455197.5 (segments_start_time) (meta.dataset;time.start)
  (18)STimeE d Time at which segments end, JD-2455197.5 (segments_end_time) (meta.dataset;time.end)
  (18)SCMI  Colour-Magnitude Intercept in segments (segments_colour_mag_intercept) (
  (18)e_SCMI  Colour-Magnitude Intercept uncertainty in segments (segments_colour_mag_intercept_error) (stat.error;
  (18)SCMS  Colour-Magnitude Slope in segments (segments_colour_mag_slope) (
  (18)e_SCMS  Colour-Magnitude Slope uncertainty in segments (segments_colour_mag_slope_error) (stat.error;

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (18)Scor  Correlation coefficient in segments (segments_correlation_coefficient) (stat.correlation)
  (18)Ssigni  Correlation coefficient significance in segments (segments_correlation_significance) (stat.correlation)
  (18)SProt d (n) Rotation period in segment (segments_rotation_period) (phys.veloc.rotat;time.period)
  (18)e_SProt d (n) Rotation period uncertainty in segment (segments_rotation_period_error) (stat.error;phys.veloc.rotat;time.period)
  (18)FAPsPRot  (n) FAP on rotation period in segment (segments_rotation_period_fap) (stat.probability)
  (18)SGunsp mag (n) The unspotted G mags in segment (segments_g_unspotted) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  (18)e_SGunsp mag (n) The unspotted G mag uncertainties in segment (segments_g_unspotted_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (18)SBPunsp mag (n) The unspotted BP mag in segment (segments_bp_unspotted) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (18)e_SBPunsp mag (n) The unspotted BP mag uncertainties in segment (segments_bp_unspotted_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (18)SRPunsp mag (n) The unspotted RP mag in segment (segments_rp_unspotted) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (18)e_SRPunsp mag (n) The unspotted RP mag uncertainties in segment (segments_rp_unspotted_error) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (18)ScosG mag (n) Coefficient of cosine term of linear fit in segment in the G band (segments_g_cos_term) (
  (18)e_ScosG mag (n) Errors on cosine terms in the G band (segments_g_cos_term_error) (stat.error;

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (18)SsinG mag (n) Coefficient of sine term of linear fit in segment in the G band (segments_g_sin_term) (
  (18)e_SsinG mag (n) Errors on sine terms in the G band (segments_g_sin_term_error) (stat.error;
  (18)Sa0G mag (n) Constant term (A0) of linear fit in segment in the G band (segments_g_a0_term) (
  (18)e_Sa0G mag (n) Errors on constant terms in the G band (segments_g_a0_term_error) (stat.error;
  (18)ScosBP mag (n) Coefficient of cosine term of linear fit in segment in the BP band (segments_bp_cos_term) (
  (18)e_ScosBP mag (n) Errors on cosine terms in the BP band (segments_bp_cos_term_error) (stat.error;
  (18)SsinBP mag (n) Coefficient of sine term of linear fit in segment in the BP band (segments_bp_sin_term) (
  (18)e_SsinBP mag (n) Errors on sine terms in the BP band (segments_bp_sin_term_error) (stat.error;
  (18)Sa0BP mag (n) Constant term (A0) of linear fit in segment in the BP band (segments_bp_a0_term) (
  (18)e_Sa0BP mag (n) Errors on constant terms in the BP band (segments_bp_a0_term_error) (stat.error;
  (18)ScosRP mag (n) Coefficient of cosine term of linear fit in segment in the RP band (segments_rp_cos_term) (
  (18)e_ScosRP mag (n) Errors on cosine terms in the RP band (segments_rp_cos_term_error) (stat.error;
  (18)SsinRP mag (n) Coefficient of sine term of linear fit in segment in the RP band (segments_rp_sin_term) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (18)e_SsinRP mag (n) Errors on sine terms in the RP band (segments_rp_sin_term_error) (stat.error;
  (18)Sa0RP mag (n) Constant term (A0) of linear fit in segment in the RP band (segments_rp_a0_term) (
  (18)e_Sa0RP mag (n) Errors on constant terms in the RP band (segments_rp_a0_term_error) (stat.error;
  (18)SAIG mag (n) Activity Index in segment (computed in G band) (segments_g_activity_index) (src.var.amplitude)
  (18)e_SAIG mag (n) error on Activity index in segment (computed in G band) (segments_g_activity_index_error) (stat.error)
  (18)SAIBP mag (n) Activity Index in segment (computed in BP band) (segments_bp_activity_index) (src.var.amplitude)
  (18)e_SAIBP mag (n) error on Activity index in segment (computed in BP band) (segments_bp_activity_index_error) (stat.error)
  (18)SAIRP mag (n) Activity Index in segment (computed in RP band) (segments_rp_activity_index) (src.var.amplitude)
  (18)e_SAIRP mag (n) error on Activity index in segment (computed in RP band) (segments_rp_activity_index_error) (stat.error)
  (18)SBPRPccoeff  (n) Pearson coefficient between BP and RP in segment (segments_bp_rp_corr_coeff) (stat.correlation)
  (18)SBPRPcSigni  (n) Significance associated with Pearson coefficient (segments_bp_rp_corr_signif) (
  (18)SBPRPcI mag (n) Intercept of regression fit of RP vs BP magnitudes in the segment (segments_bp_rp_intercept) (
  (18)e_SBPRPcI mag (n) Error on intercept of regression fit of RP vs BP magnitudes in the segment (segments_bp_rp_intercept_error) (stat.error;

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (18)SBPSPS  (n) Slope of regression fit of RP vs BP magnitudes in the segment (segments_bp_rp_slope) (
  (18)e_SBPSPS  (n) Error on slope of regression fit of RP vs BP magnitudes in the segment (segments_bp_rp_slope_error) (stat.error;
  (18)RefTime d (n) Time used as reference time for the period search procedure in the segment, JD-2455197.5 (segments_model_reference_time) (time.epoch)
  (18)Schi2G  (n) Array of chisquares for linear models (G band) (segments_g_chi_square) (
  (18)Schi2BP  (n) Array of chisquares for linear models (BP band) (segments_bp_chi_square) (
  (18)Schi2RP  (n) Array of chisquares for linear models (RP band) (segments_rp_chi_square) (
  (19)TimeRefTrans d Mid-transit reference time, JD-2455197.5 (transit_reference_time) (time)
  (19)PerTrans d Most probable transit period (transit_period) (time.period)
  (19)DepthTrans mmag Transit depth (transit_depth) (phot.mag;src.var.amplitude)
  (19)DurTrans d Transit duration (transit_duration) (time.duration)
  (19)Nintransit  Number of in-transit observations (num_in_transit) (meta.number)
  (20)AG mag (n) Interstellar absorption in the G-band (g_absorption) (
  (20)e_AG mag (n) Error on the interstellar absorption in the G-band (g_absorption_error) (stat.error;

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (22)Ampl mag Amplitude estimate of all per-CCD G-band photometry (95th quantile - 5th quantile) (amplitude_estimate) (src.var.amplitude;phot.mag;em.opt)
  (22)NfoVTrans  Number of FoV transits with more than 7 CCD measurements after time series cleaning (number_of_fov_transits) (meta.number)
  (22)FoVAbbemean  Mean of per-FoV Abbe values derived from per-CCD G-band photometry (mean_of_fov_abbe_values) (stat.value)
  (22)NTimeScale   [1] Number of selected timescale(s) derived from the variogram (variogram_num_points) (meta.number)
  (22)TimeScale d (i) Characteristic timescale(s) of variability (variogram_char_timescales) (time.scale)
  (22)Variogram mag2 Variogram values associated with the TimeScale (variogram_values) (stat.value)

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