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  VizieR Solar system catalogues (CDS & ObsParis, 2018-)
+ - see also Europlanet website VESPA
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1.B/planets/epn_coreSolar system table (EPN core table) (2271 rows)

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  granule_uid (char) (n)Internal table row index Unique ID in data service (
  granule_gid (char) (n)Common to granules of same type (e.g. same map projection, or geometry data products) (
  obs_id (char) (n)Associates granules derived from the same data (e.g. various representations / processing levels) (;obs)
  dataproduct_type (char) (n)Organization of the data product, from enumerated list (meta.code.class)
  target_name (char) (n) Standard IAU name of target (from a list related to target class, None,None), case sensitive (;src)
  target_class (char) (n)Type of target, from enumerated list (src.class)
  time_min d (n) Acquisition start time (in JD). UTC measured at time_origin location (default is observer's frame) (time.start;obs)
  time_max d (n) Acquisition stop time (in JD). UTC measured at time_origin location (default is observer's frame) (time.end;obs)
  time_sampling_step_min s (n) Min time sampling step (time.resolution;stat.min)
  time_sampling_step_max s (n) Max time sampling step (time.resolution;stat.max)
  time_exp_min s (n) Min integration time (time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.min)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  time_exp_max s (n) Max integration time (time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.max)
  spectral_range_min Hz (n) Min spectral range frequency (em.freq;stat.min)
  spectral_range_max Hz (n) Max spectral range frequency (em.freq;stat.max)
  spectral_sampling_step_min Hz (n) Min spectral sampling step (em.freq;stat.interval;stat.min)
  spectral_sampling_step_max Hz (n) Max spectral sampling step (em.freq;stat.interval;stat.max)
  spectral_resolution_min  (n) Min spectral resolution (spect.resolution;stat.min)
  spectral_resolution_max  (n) Max spectral resolution (spect.resolution;stat.max)
  c1min  (n) Min of first coordinate (pos.eq.ra;stat.min)
  c1max  (n) Max of first coordinate (pos.eq.ra;stat.max)
  c2min  (n) Min of second coordinate (pos.eq.dec;stat.min)
  c2max  (n) Max of second coordinate (pos.eq.dec;stat.max)
  c3min  (n) Min of third coordinate (pos.distance;stat.min)
  c3max  (n) Max of third coordinate (pos.distance;stat.max)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  s_region (char) ObsCore-like footprint,valid for celestial, spherical, or body-fixed frames (pos.outline;obs.field)
  c1_resol_min  (n) Min resolution in first coordinate (pos.resolution;stat.min)
  c1_resol_max  (n) Max resolution in first coordinate (pos.resolution;stat.max)
  c2_resol_min  (n) Min resolution in second coordinate (pos.resolution;stat.min)
  c2_resol_max  (n) Max resolution in second coordinate (pos.resolution;stat.max)
  c3_resol_min  (n) Min resolution in third coordinate (pos.resolution;stat.min)
  c3_resol_max  (n) Max resolution in third coordinate (pos.resolution;stat.max)
  spatial_frame_type (char) Flavor of coordinate system, defines the nature of coordinates (meta.code.class;pos.frame)
  incidence_min  (n) Min incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) (pos.incidenceAng;stat.min)
  incidence_max  (n) Max incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) (pos.incidenceAng;stat.max)
  emergence_min  (n) Min emergence angle (pos.emergenceAng;stat.min)
  emergence_max  (n) Max emergence angle (pos.emergenceAng;stat.max)
  phase_min  (n) Min phase angle (pos.phaseAng;stat.min)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  phase_max  (n) Max phase angle (pos.phaseAng;stat.max)
  instrument_host_name (char) (n) Standard name of the observatory or spacecraft (;instr.obsty)
  instrument_name (char) (n) Standard name of instrument (;instr)
  measurement_type (char) (n) UCD defining the data (meta.ucd)
  processing_level   [5] CODMAC calibration level (meta.calibLevel)
  creation_date (char) Date of first entry of this granule (time.creation)
  modification_date (char) Date of last modification (time.processing)
  release_date (char) Start of public access period (set to creation_date if no proprietary period) (time.release)
  service_title (char) Title of resource (an acronym really, will be used to handle multiservice results) (meta.title)
  access_url (char) URL of the data file (meta.ref.url;meta.file)
  access_format (char) File format type (meta.code.mime)
  access_estsize kbyte Estimate file size in kbyte (with this spelling) (phys.size;meta.file)
  access_md5 (char) MD5 Hash for the file when available (meta.checksum;meta.file)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  thumbnail_url (char) (n) URL of a thumbnail image with predefined size (meta.ref.url;meta.preview)
  file_name (char) Name of the data file only, case sensitive (;meta.file)
  species (char) (n) Identifies a chemical species, case sensitive (;phys.atmol)
  filter (char) (n) Identifies a filter in use (e.g. imaging) (;instr.filter)
  target_region (char) (n) Type of region of interest (;src;obs.field)
  feature_name (char) (n) Secondary name (can be standard name of region of interest) (;src;obs.field)
  bib_reference (char) (n)Bibcode (meta.bib)
  external_link (char) (n)Link to a web page providing more details on the granule (meta.ref.url)
  publisher (char) Resource publisher (meta.curation)
  spatial_coordinate_description (char) ID of specific coordinate system and version (meta.code.class;pos.frame)
  time_scale (char) (n)Always UTC in data services (may be relaxed in computational services such as ephemeris) (time.scale)
  description (char) Catalogue title (column added by CDS) (meta.title;meta.table)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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