Show constraint information
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level ≤ 6 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7490350846182 12
2 7490350847272 10
3 7490350847319 7
4 7490350847324 10
5 7490350847346 6
6 7490350847667 6
7 7490350847668 6
8 7490350847688 9
9 7490350847760 7
10 7490350851515 10
11 7490350851637 9
12 7490350851690 7
13 7490350852079 9
14 7490350852599 8
15 7490350852604 8
16 7490350852700 10
17 7490350853584 7
18 7490350853957 12
19 7490350855498 11
20 7490350855527 11
21 7490350855847 7
22 7490350855882 8
23 7490350857693 8
24 7490350858414 11
25 7490350858935 9
26 7490350859834 8
27 7490350860151 4
28 7490350860153 9
29 7490350860168 6
30 7490350860299 7
31 7490350860320 7
32 7490350860330 5
33 7490350860484 12
34 7490350860538 14
35 7490350860657 10
36 7490350860958 11
37 7490350860959 7
38 7490350860980 8
39 7490350860983 9
40 7490350861023 10
41 7490350861025 8
42 7490350861032 10
43 7490350861042 8
44 7490350861045 14
45 7490350861052 7
46 7490350861149 4
47 7490350861172 10
48 7490350861175 8
49 7490350861224 11
50 7490350861226 9
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 7 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7490350841907 7
2 7490350841910 9
3 7490350841911 5
4 7490350841913 7
5 7490350841915 8
6 7490350841916 6
7 7490350841917 2
8 7490350841918 7
9 7490350850651 4
10 7490350850654 13
11 7490350850655 5
12 7490350850673 5
13 7490350850676 6
14 7490350850677 6
15 7490350853651 7
16 7490350853654 7
17 7490350853660 7
18 7490350853662 5
19 7490350857579 6
20 7490350857580 3
21 7490350857582 6
22 7490350857583 3
23 7490350857855 4
24 7490350857885 2
25 7490350857887 6
26 7490350857905 2
27 7490350857907 4
28 7490350857908 4
29 7490350857909 4
30 7490350857910 5
31 7490350857913 5
32 7490350857914 5
33 7490350857915 5
34 7490350857916 7
35 7490350857921 6
36 7490350857923 4
37 7490350857924 7
38 7490350857926 5
39 7490350857928 4
40 7490350857929 3
41 7490350857930 5
42 7490350857952 4
43 7490350857989 4
44 7490350857991 4
45 7490350857995 9
46 7490350857996 5
47 7490350857997 6
48 7490350857998 13
49 7490350858000 7
50 7490350858002 5
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 7 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7490350848820 8
2 7490350848817 7
3 7490350848816 6
4 7490350848801 6
5 7490350848800 9
6 7490350848798 10
7 7490350848779 6
8 7490350848778 8
9 7490350848776 6
10 7490350848773 9
11 7490350848748 9
12 7490350848745 9
13 7490350848742 13
14 7490350848701 10
15 7490350848700 9
16 7490350848698 7
17 7490350848697 9
18 7490350848696 9
19 7490350848695 9
20 7490350848694 11
21 7490350848692 8
22 7490350848691 8
23 7490350848690 12
24 7490350848689 7
25 7490350847724 9
26 7490350847721 5
27 7490350847720 7
28 7490350847719 10
29 7490350847718 10
30 7490350847715 8
31 7490350847714 4
32 7490350847677 9
33 7490350847676 7
34 7490350847673 7
35 7490350847672 10
36 7490350847671 10
37 7490350847670 6
38 7490350847667 8
39 7490350847666 9
40 7490350847661 7
41 7490350847660 6
42 7490350847657 9
43 7490350847656 8
44 7490350847655 6
45 7490350847654 6
46 7490350847651 7
47 7490350847650 8
48 7490350847607 6
49 7490350847605 7
50 7490350847604 2
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 
No object found
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7490350836604 2
2 7490350836587 1
3 7490350836585 3
4 7490350836579 2
5 7490350836566 1
6 7490350836563 3
7 7490350836562 5
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7490350802647 2
2 7490350802652 1
3 7490350802653 1
4 7490350802654 2
5 7490350802677 1
6 7490350802679 2
7 7490350802816 1
8 7490350802818 1
9 7490350802819 1
10 7490350802825 2
11 7490350802826 1
12 7490350802827 3
13 7490350802831 2
14 7490350802848 1
15 7490350802849 3
16 7490350802850 2
17 7490350802853 3
18 7490350802854 2
19 7490350802855 3
20 7490350802857 2
21 7490350802858 1
22 7490350802859 3
23 7490350802860 1
24 7490350802861 2
25 7490350802862 1
26 7490350802864 3
27 7490350802945 1
28 7490350805990 2
29 7490350805991 6
30 7490350805995 2
31 7490350806001 1
32 7490350806002 6
33 7490350806003 5
34 7490350806006 4
35 7490350806007 2
36 7490350806081 1
37 7490350806092 1
38 7490350806093 5
39 7490350806104 6
40 7490350806105 4
41 7490350806109 2
42 7490350816936 3
43 7490350816938 6
44 7490350817024 7
45 7490350817026 2
46 7490350817975 1
47 7490350817994 2
48 7490350817995 6
49 7490350818014 1
50 7490350818036 8
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7490350836967 8
2 7490350836971 1
3 7490350836982 4
4 7490350837057 1
5 7490350837068 1
6 7490350837069 2
7 7490350837080 3
8 7490350837081 3
9 7490350837084 1
10 7490350837775 6
11 7490350837785 3
12 7490350837786 7
13 7490350837787 10
14 7490350837788 3
15 7490350837790 9
16 7490350837791 7
17 7490350837804 2
18 7490350837805 4
19 7490350837807 9
20 7490350837856 4
21 7490350837858 9
22 7490350839173 2
23 7490350839184 10
24 7490350839185 2
25 7490350839188 7
26 7490350839229 2
27 7490350839231 5
28 7490350839266 3
29 7490350839267 3
30 7490350839270 9
31 7490350839288 2
32 7490350839290 1
33 7490350839317 4
34 7490350839319 5
35 7490350839325 2
36 7490350839372 7
37 7490350839373 1
38 7490350839374 3
39 7490350839376 7
40 7490350839378 4
41 7490350839384 2
42 7490350839422 2
43 7490350839757 2
44 7490350839759 7
45 7490350839781 1
46 7490350839783 1
47 7490350839925 3
48 7490350839927 1
49 7490350840448 2
50 7490350840450 5
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7490350842514 1
2 7490350842513 2
3 7490350842512 7
4 7490350842172 1
5 7490350842166 1
6 7490350842139 1
7 7490350842138 12
8 7490350842127 11
9 7490350842126 5
10 7490350841970 3
11 7490350841969 1
12 7490350841968 12
13 7490350841961 1
14 7490350841948 4
15 7490350841942 5
16 7490350841940 1
17 7490350841923 7
18 7490350841922 2
19 7490350841921 4
20 7490350841856 2
21 7490350841851 3
22 7490350841850 6
23 7490350841839 1
24 7490350841813 1
25 7490350841739 1
26 7490350841738 6
27 7490350841692 1
28 7490350841689 1
29 7490350841671 2
30 7490350841669 5
31 7490350841583 2
32 7490350841575 2
33 7490350841567 6
34 7490350841566 2
35 7490350841563 2
36 7490350841471 1
37 7490350841469 3
38 7490350841408 1
39 7490350841393 2
40 7490350841392 8
41 7490350841381 2
42 7490350841380 1
43 7490350841374 4
44 7490350841373 4
45 7490350841372 12
46 7490350841353 2
47 7490350841347 1
48 7490350841322 1
49 7490350841270 1
50 7490350841267 2
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7490350864217 7
2 7490350864216 4
3 7490350864214 8
4 7490350864212 10
5 7490350864205 8
6 7490350864204 5
7 7490350864149 1
8 7490350864140 1
9 7490350864137 1
10 7490350864126 10
11 7490350864124 4
12 7490350864115 1
13 7490350864114 9
14 7490350864090 3
15 7490350864088 3
16 7490350864082 5
17 7490350864080 1
18 7490350864063 5
19 7490350864061 3
20 7490350864055 2
21 7490350864038 5
22 7490350864031 4
23 7490350864029 6
24 7490350864028 2
25 7490350864017 3
26 7490350863929 2
27 7490350863926 3
28 7490350863924 10
29 7490350863917 1
30 7490350863916 1
31 7490350863907 4
32 7490350863905 11
33 7490350863904 3
34 7490350863902 8
35 7490350863900 3
36 7490350863891 5
37 7490350863890 10
38 7490350863888 3
39 7490350863741 2
40 7490350863740 2
41 7490350863737 3
42 7490350863736 4
43 7490350863727 1
44 7490350863726 9
45 7490350863703 1
46 7490350863702 7
47 7490350863700 1
48 7490350863683 11
49 7490350863682 12
50 7490350863681 1
Result truncated to 50 rows
.errorfile=/tmp/V-4.err (2024-07-08T22:02:46)
elapse time 1

Options: wopt=0, optS=0, onote=0, opt1=8, opos=0

Contents of error file (/tmp/V-4.err):
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip, br, zstd, deflate
HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
METADB=metaviz@PCDS asu asu4VizieR
MOCCMD=mocset query /srv/httpd/mocs/mocset10.bin cone -p 5 
SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache/2.4.57 (Unix)
Vprog_ls=-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 953872 Jun 13 11:00 /srv/httpd/bin/vizier

....(in): -source=META/METAcell*
....(in): catid=74903508

....Trying '/srv/httpd/interfaces' => OK
....Trying '/srv/httpd/interfaces' => 3
----db1_open(metaviz@PCDS) gives: 0
----Open server:, port 5432 (type postgres base vizier)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAdba'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAtab'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAcol'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAcat'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAmor'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAdic'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAdig'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAfam'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAucd'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAauth'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select MAX(dbaid) as nlogins from METAdba
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select MAX(famid) as mUCD1 from METAfam
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select hstid, flag from METAhst where name=''

====Contents of more_defs:

....DisplayFile(/srv/httpd/VizieR/+menu.htx) ****Non-existant file****
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select authid, name From METAauth where authid=0
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab where name ?LIKE? '[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa]/[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ll][Ll]%' and catid in (select catid from METAcat where catid=METAtab.catid and (authid=0))
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, catid, title, kslot, explain, status, popu, authid, bibcode, flags, doi, orcid, authors From METAcat where name ='META/METAcell*' and (authid=0)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, catid, title, kslot, explain, status, popu, authid, bibcode, flags, doi, orcid, authors From METAcat where (name ?LIKE? '[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa]/[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ll][Ll]%') and (authid=0)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select distinct AS name, METAcat.catid AS catid, METAcat.title AS title, METAcat.kslot AS kslot, METAcat.explain AS explain, METAcat.status AS status, METAcat.popu AS popu, METAcat.authid AS authid, METAcat.bibcode AS bibcode, METAcat.flags AS flags, METAcat.doi AS doi, METAcat.orcid AS orcid, METAcat.authors AS authors From METAcat,METAcro where METAcro.catid=METAcat.catid AND METAcro.class<16 AND ( ?LIKE? '[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa]/[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ll][Ll]%') and (authid=0) order by METAcat.status, METAcat.catid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, catid, title, kslot, explain, status, popu, authid, bibcode, flags, doi, orcid, authors From METAcat where name ='META' and (authid=0)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab where name ?LIKE? '[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ll][Ll]%' and catid=0 and catid in (select catid from METAcat where catid=METAtab.catid and (authid=0))
------------db1_tcreate(0): temporary table=T1
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
------------db1_tcreate(0): temporary table=T2
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   select k.catid,k.kwdid from METAkwd k,T2 t where and ((-1*kwdid)<(select min(kwdno_min*1) from METAkwcat where name in ('Astronomy')) or  (-1*kwdid)>(select max(kwdno_max*1) from METAkwcat where name in ('Astronomy'))) order by catid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab where name = 'METAkwdef' and catid in (select catid from METAcat where catid=METAtab.catid and (authid=0))
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, morid, text From METAmor where catid=0 order by morid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=11 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAfilter'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAsed'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=11
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, kwdid, kwdkm, kwdno, Nk From METAkwdef
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 146/0 tuples [tested=146]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, catid, title, kslot, explain, status, popu, authid, bibcode, flags, doi, orcid, authors From METAcat where catid=0 and (authid=0)
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab Where catid=0 order by tabid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 order by catid,tabid,colid
++++Format '%50d' too wide for 'METAuatadc'.'uatid' (50 >= 32)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=1
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=2
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=3
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=4
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=5
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=6
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=7
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=8
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=9
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=10
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=11
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=12
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=13
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=14
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=15
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=16
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=17
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=18
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=19
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=20
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=21
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=22
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=23
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=24
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=25
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=26
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=27
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=28
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=29
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=30
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=31
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=32
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=33
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=34
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=35
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=36
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=37
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=39
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=40
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=41
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=42
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=43
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=44
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=45
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=46
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=48
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=49
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=51
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=52
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=53
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=54
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=55
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=240
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=242
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=243
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=249
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=250
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=251
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=252
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=253
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=254
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab where name = 'METAtime' and catid in (select catid from METAcat where catid=METAtab.catid and (authid=0))
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=52 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=52
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=240
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=242
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=243
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=249
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=250
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=251
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=252
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=253
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=254
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
++++status=4 0
----inherit(u=used, h=hidden):
     [u] -ref=VIZ668c620660647
     [h] +source=META/METAcell*
     [h] catid=74903508
====inherit(): added 2 hidden fields
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=240 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=240
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select famid, name From METAfam where famid>=0
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select ucdid, name From METAucd where ucdid>=0
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476166]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell00 Where (catid = 74903508 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_open(metaviz@PCDS) gives: 1
----Open server:, port 5432 (type postgres base vizier)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  Ncalls = Ncalls+1 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=773791367 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=242 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=242
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell02 Where (catid = 74903508 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=773791367 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=243 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=243
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell03 Where (catid = 74903508 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=249 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=249
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell09 Where (catid = 74903508 )
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/50 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=250 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=250
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0a Where (catid = 74903508 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 7/50 tuples [tested=7]
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=773791367 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=251 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=251
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0b Where (catid = 74903508 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=252 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=252
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0c Where (catid = 74903508 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=773791367 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=253 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=253
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0d Where (catid = 74903508 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=254 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=254
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0e Where (catid = 74903508 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=773791367 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    Update METAhit set etime=773791367,  Ncalls = Ncalls+1 where catid=-1 and hstid=-1 and btime=773161200
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@PCDS'):
[1720476167]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=773791367 Where phase=4 and catid=-1
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_close(0 'metaviz@PCDS')
----db1_close(1 'metaviz@PCDS')

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