Show constraint information
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level ≤ 6 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7470393737778 151
2 7470393739387 189
3 7470393741406 269
4 7470393741958 230
5 7470393743333 209
6 7470393743693 38
7 7470393743695 38
8 7470393743704 40
9 7470393750354 38
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 7 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7470393716409 140
2 7470393716419 226
3 7470393716428 372
4 7470393716430 350
5 7470393716431 368
6 7470393716477 29
7 7470393716772 7
8 7470393716808 276
9 7470393717186 15
10 7470393717238 273
11 7470393717336 123
12 7470393718116 105
13 7470393718725 303
14 7470393718760 376
15 7470393718762 626
16 7470393718763 407
17 7470393718847 28
18 7470393718906 327
19 7470393719068 341
20 7470393719089 156
21 7470393719091 188
22 7470393719157 199
23 7470393719216 56
24 7470393719218 82
25 7470393719300 346
26 7470393719302 214
27 7470393719320 147
28 7470393719322 366
29 7470393719323 362
30 7470393719370 686
31 7470393719382 47
32 7470393719387 200
33 7470393719391 66
34 7470393720046 159
35 7470393720064 160
36 7470393720065 194
37 7470393720068 133
38 7470393724693 188
39 7470393724767 230
40 7470393724845 209
41 7470393724855 50
42 7470393724995 51
43 7470393725032 273
44 7470393725082 65
45 7470393725109 139
46 7470393725404 295
47 7470393725450 266
48 7470393725542 444
49 7470393725543 269
50 7470393725549 555
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 7 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7470393704765 19
2 7470393704802 22
3 7470393704803 32
4 7470393704937 30
5 7470393710939 106
6 7470393717068 231
7 7470393718578 1264
8 7470393718672 707
9 7470393718674 561
10 7470393719094 931
11 7470393719156 950
12 7470393719243 230
13 7470393719374 15
14 7470393719379 156
15 7470393719383 132
16 7470393723179 174
17 7470393723199 213
18 7470393723240 264
19 7470393723242 328
20 7470393724829 574
21 7470393724831 858
22 7470393724916 379
23 7470393724926 286
24 7470393725609 116
25 7470393725702 207
26 7470393725754 957
27 7470393725822 407
28 7470393726124 328
29 7470393726271 162
30 7470393728968 490
31 7470393728969 613
32 7470393728971 402
33 7470393729535 342
34 7470393729678 27
35 7470393730617 306
36 7470393730753 323
37 7470393730756 569
38 7470393731772 308
39 7470393731788 90
40 7470393731795 57
41 7470393731859 831
42 7470393732028 500
43 7470393732145 444
44 7470393732148 780
45 7470393732155 937
46 7470393732188 397
47 7470393732209 336
48 7470393732227 504
49 7470393732233 1089
50 7470393732237 617
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7470393700086 15
2 7470393700092 6
3 7470393700180 7
4 7470393700182 391
5 7470393700183 3
6 7470393700279 29
7 7470393700285 42
8 7470393700320 51
9 7470393700322 63
10 7470393700328 201
11 7470393700329 19
12 7470393700336 85
13 7470393700346 27
14 7470393700368 19
15 7470393700383 34
16 7470393700434 4
17 7470393700435 6
18 7470393700440 4
19 7470393700441 16
20 7470393700453 25
21 7470393700455 60
22 7470393700466 39
23 7470393700470 74
24 7470393700507 32
25 7470393700593 1
26 7470393700596 32
27 7470393700629 27
28 7470393700722 3
29 7470393700723 274
30 7470393700800 30
31 7470393700849 8
32 7470393700898 231
33 7470393700962 64
34 7470393700967 349
35 7470393700968 3
36 7470393700970 120
37 7470393700971 785
38 7470393700974 117
39 7470393700978 211
40 7470393700991 8
41 7470393700993 169
42 7470393700996 6
43 7470393701013 33
44 7470393701034 7
45 7470393701035 48
46 7470393701044 144
47 7470393701047 59
48 7470393701049 16
49 7470393701051 240
50 7470393701053 39
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7470393700283 8
2 7470393700284 1
3 7470393700286 201
4 7470393700287 12
5 7470393700308 3
6 7470393700396 37
7 7470393700397 129
8 7470393700400 23
9 7470393700402 153
10 7470393700408 160
11 7470393700893 24
12 7470393701014 9
13 7470393701015 108
14 7470393701020 2
15 7470393701021 69
16 7470393701308 21
17 7470393701513 13
18 7470393701515 134
19 7470393701516 2
20 7470393701518 78
21 7470393701698 18
22 7470393701704 20
23 7470393702549 21
24 7470393702550 33
25 7470393702551 144
26 7470393702900 38
27 7470393702901 92
28 7470393702903 85
29 7470393702909 7
30 7470393703238 95
31 7470393703239 22
32 7470393703258 56
33 7470393703284 2
34 7470393703285 97
35 7470393703287 44
36 7470393703414 30
37 7470393703420 10
38 7470393703429 7
39 7470393703431 13
40 7470393703442 3
41 7470393703592 83
42 7470393703593 99
43 7470393703595 10
44 7470393703600 68
45 7470393703602 64
46 7470393703608 3
47 7470393704166 3
48 7470393704171 19
49 7470393704172 41
50 7470393704174 215
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7470393717774 23
2 7470393721823 118
3 7470393722343 104
4 7470393722354 31
5 7470393724510 22
6 7470393724511 26
7 7470393729969 81
8 7470393729970 24
9 7470393729971 276
10 7470393729984 124
11 7470393729985 27
12 7470393729986 17
13 7470393730000 5
14 7470393730001 145
15 7470393730004 182
16 7470393730005 50
17 7470393730016 72
18 7470393730018 172
19 7470393730024 109
20 7470393730026 17
21 7470393732307 9
22 7470393732310 112
23 7470393732311 119
24 7470393732313 104
25 7470393732315 134
26 7470393732354 44
27 7470393732360 100
28 7470393732362 129
29 7470393732363 10
30 7470393732401 107
31 7470393732403 31
32 7470393732448 95
33 7470393732450 32
34 7470393733859 4
35 7470393733862 47
36 7470393733863 43
37 7470393733865 31
38 7470393733867 23
39 7470393733874 12
40 7470393733880 24
41 7470393733882 29
42 7470393733892 33
43 7470393733893 35
44 7470393733904 14
45 7470393763250 2
46 7470393763251 60
47 7470393763254 77
48 7470393763255 4
49 7470393763280 10
50 7470393763281 139
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7470393719039 21
2 7470393719068 5
3 7470393719069 38
4 7470393719071 11
5 7470393719226 11
6 7470393719248 36
7 7470393719250 37
8 7470393719256 28
9 7470393719258 1
10 7470393719328 3
11 7470393719329 5
12 7470393719332 7
13 7470393719745 4
14 7470393719746 7
15 7470393719747 25
16 7470393719752 11
17 7470393719753 37
18 7470393719755 10
19 7470393719756 44
20 7470393719757 23
21 7470393719758 10
22 7470393719762 2
23 7470393742679 94
24 7470393742904 18
25 7470393742906 6
26 7470393743772 18
27 7470393743773 5
28 7470393748799 26
29 7470393748821 1
30 7470393764637 22
31 7470393764808 15
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7470393702714 20
2 7470393702715 34
3 7470393703084 24
4 7470393703086 129
5 7470393708354 152
6 7470393708721 224
7 7470393708723 627
8 7470393708724 6
9 7470393708726 53
10 7470393708727 290
11 7470393708733 365
12 7470393708735 86
13 7470393708768 52
14 7470393708770 2156
15 7470393708771 820
16 7470393708774 9
17 7470393708780 234
18 7470393708782 401
19 7470393708786 166
20 7470393708792 448
21 7470393708800 266
22 7470393708801 389
23 7470393708803 27
24 7470393708804 218
25 7470393708808 84
26 7470393708810 6
27 7470393708824 91
28 7470393708826 11
29 7470393708849 59
30 7470393708852 1
31 7470393708905 410
32 7470393708907 6
33 7470393708908 23
34 7470393708953 144
35 7470393708997 21
36 7470393708999 28
37 7470393709088 218
38 7470393709089 125
39 7470393709090 35
40 7470393709107 64
41 7470393709109 234
42 7470393709111 517
43 7470393709117 498
44 7470393709119 141
45 7470393709122 11
46 7470393709128 63
47 7470393709129 3
48 7470393709158 107
49 7470393709164 276
50 7470393709166 50
Result truncated to 50 rows
Post annotation
List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8 [METAtab] [METAcola] [stats] 




1 7470393700087 36
2 7470393700093 32
3 7470393700142 53
4 7470393700143 461
5 7470393700154 315
6 7470393700155 5
7 7470393700163 47
8 7470393700164 62
9 7470393700165 325
10 7470393700167 236
11 7470393700171 75
12 7470393700173 2
13 7470393700174 76
14 7470393700184 116
15 7470393700185 68
16 7470393700230 22
17 7470393700231 115
18 7470393700237 20
19 7470393700258 10
20 7470393700264 33
21 7470393700326 22
22 7470393700404 2
23 7470393700406 71
24 7470393700516 3
25 7470393700519 28
26 7470393700530 16
27 7470393700545 44
28 7470393700546 93
29 7470393700547 340
30 7470393700548 18
31 7470393700550 170
32 7470393700551 45
33 7470393700552 5
34 7470393700553 263
35 7470393700555 163
36 7470393700561 1
37 7470393700563 136
38 7470393700564 7
39 7470393700566 184
40 7470393700567 121
41 7470393700608 1
42 7470393700609 67
43 7470393700610 4
44 7470393700616 84
45 7470393700618 192
46 7470393700621 1
47 7470393700632 69
48 7470393700634 52
49 7470393700644 44
50 7470393700645 84
Result truncated to 50 rows
.errorfile=/tmp/V-4.err (2024-09-20T13:25:45)
elapse time 1

Options: wopt=0, optS=0, onote=0, opt1=8, opos=0

Contents of error file (/tmp/V-4.err):
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip, br, zstd, deflate
HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
METADB=metaviz@VIZIR asu asu4VizieR
MOCCMD=mocset query /srv/httpd/mocs/mocset10.bin cone -p 5 
QMOCCMD=.ext-tsv/qat2s_asu --out.form tsv --noheader --out.max=999999999 --source=%s --moc=%s
SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache/2.4.57 (Unix)
Vprog_ls=-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 963216 Sep 12 07:38 /srv/httpd/bin/vizier

....(in): -source=META/METAcell*
....(in): catid=74703937

....Trying '/srv/httpd/interfaces' => OK
....Trying '/srv/httpd/interfaces' => 3
----db1_open(metaviz@VIZIR) gives: 0
----Open server:, port 5432 (type postgres base vizier)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAdba'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAtab'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAcol'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAcat'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAmor'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAdic'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAdig'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAfam'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAucd'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAauth'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select MAX(dbaid) as nlogins from METAdba
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select MAX(famid) as mUCD1 from METAfam
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select hstid, flag from METAhst where name=''

====Contents of more_defs:

....DisplayFile(/srv/httpd/VizieR/+menu.htx) ****Non-existant file****
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select authid, name From METAauth where authid=0
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab where name ?LIKE? '[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa]/[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ll][Ll]%' and catid in (select catid from METAcat where catid=METAtab.catid and (authid=0))
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, catid, title, kslot, explain, status, popu, authid, bibcode, flags, doi, orcid, authors From METAcat where name ='META/METAcell*' and (authid=0)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, catid, title, kslot, explain, status, popu, authid, bibcode, flags, doi, orcid, authors From METAcat where (name ?LIKE? '[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa]/[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ll][Ll]%') and (authid=0)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select distinct AS name, METAcat.catid AS catid, METAcat.title AS title, METAcat.kslot AS kslot, METAcat.explain AS explain, METAcat.status AS status, METAcat.popu AS popu, METAcat.authid AS authid, METAcat.bibcode AS bibcode, METAcat.flags AS flags, METAcat.doi AS doi, METAcat.orcid AS orcid, METAcat.authors AS authors From METAcat,METAcro where METAcro.catid=METAcat.catid AND METAcro.class<16 AND ( ?LIKE? '[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa]/[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ll][Ll]%') and (authid=0) order by METAcat.status, METAcat.catid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, catid, title, kslot, explain, status, popu, authid, bibcode, flags, doi, orcid, authors From METAcat where name ='META' and (authid=0)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab where name ?LIKE? '[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa][Cc][Ee][Ll][Ll]%' and catid=0 and catid in (select catid from METAcat where catid=METAtab.catid and (authid=0))
------------db1_tcreate(0): temporary table=T1
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T1 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
------------db1_tcreate(0): temporary table=T2
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    insert into T2 values(0)
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select k.catid,k.kwdid from METAkwd k,T2 t where and ((-1*kwdid)<(select min(kwdno_min*1) from METAkwcat where name in ('Astronomy')) or  (-1*kwdid)>(select max(kwdno_max*1) from METAkwcat where name in ('Astronomy'))) order by catid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab where name = 'METAkwdef' and catid in (select catid from METAcat where catid=METAtab.catid and (authid=0))
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, morid, text From METAmor where catid=0 order by morid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=11 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAfilter'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select as name, METAcol.dbname as dbname, METAcol.length as length      from METAcol, METAtab      where METAcol.catid=0 and METAtab.catid=0 and METAcol.tabid = METAtab.tabid      and = 'METAsed'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=11
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, kwdid, kwdkm, kwdno, Nk From METAkwdef
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 146/0 tuples [tested=146]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, catid, title, kslot, explain, status, popu, authid, bibcode, flags, doi, orcid, authors From METAcat where catid=0 and (authid=0)
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab Where catid=0 order by tabid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 order by catid,tabid,colid
++++Format '%50d' too wide for 'METAuatadc'.'uatid' (50 >= 32)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=1
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=2
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=3
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=4
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=5
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=6
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=7
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=8
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=9
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=10
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=11
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=12
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=13
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=14
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=15
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=16
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=17
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=18
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=19
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=20
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=21
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=22
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=23
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=24
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=25
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=26
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=27
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=28
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=29
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=30
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=31
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=32
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=33
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=34
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=35
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=36
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=37
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=39
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=40
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=41
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=42
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=43
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=44
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=45
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=46
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=48
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=49
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=51
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=52
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=53
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=54
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=55
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=56
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=240
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=242
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=243
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=249
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=250
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=251
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=252
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=253
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=254
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, flags, equinox, epoch, explain, dbaid, cooframe, release, records, notid, comment, status, cooprec, morexplain From METAtab where name = 'METAtime' and catid in (select catid from METAcat where catid=METAtab.catid and (authid=0))
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=52 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=52
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=240
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=242
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=243
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=249
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=250
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=251
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=252
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=253
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, tabid, colid, time_syst_id, scale_name, frame_name, time_systematic_err, name, description, time_offset, time_uncertainty, time_representation, id, id From METAtime where catid=0 and tabid=254
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 0/1000 tuples [tested=0]
++++status=4 0
----inherit(u=used, h=hidden):
     [u] -ref=VIZ66ed77d9e1901
     [h] +source=META/METAcell*
     [h] catid=74703937
====inherit(): added 2 hidden fields
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=240 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=240
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
....TAPVizieR is not used because it is not set in METAdba
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select famid, name From METAfam where famid>=0
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select ucdid, name From METAucd where ucdid>=0
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell00 Where (catid = 74703937 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 9/50 tuples [tested=9]
----db1_open(metaviz@VIZIR) gives: 1
----Open server:, port 5432 (type postgres base vizier)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  Ncalls = Ncalls+1 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=780153945 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838745]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=242 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=242
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
....TAPVizieR is not used because it is not set in METAdba
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell02 Where (catid = 74703937 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=780153946 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=243 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=243
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
....TAPVizieR is not used because it is not set in METAdba
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell03 Where (catid = 74703937 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=249 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=249
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
....TAPVizieR is not used because it is not set in METAdba
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell09 Where (catid = 74703937 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=780153946 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=250 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=250
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
....TAPVizieR is not used because it is not set in METAdba
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0a Where (catid = 74703937 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=251 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=251
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
....TAPVizieR is not used because it is not set in METAdba
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0b Where (catid = 74703937 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=780153946 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=252 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=252
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
....TAPVizieR is not used because it is not set in METAdba
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0c Where (catid = 74703937 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 31/50 tuples [tested=31]
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=253 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=253
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
....TAPVizieR is not used because it is not set in METAdba
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0d Where (catid = 74703937 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  N2list = N2list+2 where catid=0 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=780153946 Where phase=4 and catid=0
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select name, dbname, catid, tabid, famid, type, dbtype, length, flags, fmt, unit, dbunit, explain, colid, notid, morid, ucdid, vounit, morexplain From METAcol where catid=0 and  tabid=254 order by colid
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select colid, photid, fltrid, photid1, fltrid1 From METAsed where catid=0 and tabid=254
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
....TAPVizieR is not used because it is not set in METAdba
....LaunchQuery: Columns, starting by = for Displayed ones:
..  =catid =cellh =totah
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   select login from METAdba where login like 'large_tables%'
----db1_query(0 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]   Select catid, cellh, totah From METAcell0e Where (catid = 74703937 )
....display_table: #columns in italics=0
++++truncated result (maxtup=50)
#...meta_close(1): retrieved 50/50 tuples [tested=50]
----db1_reset(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    Update METAhit set etime=780153945,  Ncalls = Ncalls+1 where catid=-1 and hstid=-1 and btime=778420800
------------(1 records affected)
----db1_exec(1 'metaviz@VIZIR'):
[1726838746]    UPDATE METAstat set nlocal=nlocal+1, tlocal=780153946 Where phase=4 and catid=-1
------------(1 records affected)
----free temporary files
----db1_close(0 'metaviz@VIZIR')
----db1_close(1 'metaviz@VIZIR')

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